import re, os, json, logging from collections import OrderedDict from typing import List, Optional from dataclasses import dataclass import mutagen import aiofiles from aiocache import cached, Cache from aiocache.serializers import PickleSerializer import settings from ircradio.models import Song @dataclass class SongDataclass: title: str karma: int utube_id: str added_by: str image: Optional[str] duration: Optional[int] progress: Optional[int] # pct progress_str: Optional[str] = None @dataclass class Station: id: str music_dir: str # /full/path/to/music/ mount_point: str # wow.ogg request_id: str # pberlin (for telnet requests) title: str # for webif description: str # for webif image: str # for webif listeners: int = 0 song: Optional[SongDataclass] = None async def skip(self) -> bool: from import Radio try: await Radio.command(self.telnet_cmd_skip) return True except Exception as ex: return False async def np(self) -> Optional[Song]: history = await self.history() if history: return history[-1] @cached(ttl=4, cache=Cache.MEMORY, key_builder=lambda *args, **kw: f"history_station_{args[1].id}", serializer=PickleSerializer()) async def history(self) -> List[Song]: from import Radio # 1. ask liquidsoap for history # 2. check database (Song.from_filepath) # 3. check direct file exif (Song.from_filepath) # 4. check .ogg.json metadata file (Song.from_filepath) # 5. verify the above by comparing icecast metadata liq_meta = await Radio.command(self.telnet_cmd_metadata) liq_meta = liq_meta.decode(errors="ignore") liq_filenames = re.findall(r"filename=\"(.*)\"", liq_meta) liq_filenames = [fn for fn in liq_filenames if os.path.exists(fn)] liq_remaining = await Radio.command(self.telnet_cmd_remaining) liq_remaining = liq_remaining.decode(errors="ignore") remaining = None if re.match('\d+.\d+', liq_remaining): remaining = int(liq_remaining.split('.')[0]) songs = [] for liq_fn in liq_filenames: try: song = await Song.from_filepath(liq_fn) songs.append(song) except Exception as ex: logging.error(ex) if not songs: return [] # icecast compare, silliness ahead meta: dict = await Radio.icecast_metadata(self) if meta: meta_title = meta.get('title') if meta_title.lower() in [' ', 'unknown', 'error', 'empty', 'bleepbloopblurp']: meta_title = None if meta_title and len(songs) > 1 and songs: title_a = songs[-1].title_for_real_nocap.lower() title_b = meta_title.lower() if title_a not in title_b and title_b not in title_a: # song detection and actual icecast metadata differ logging.error(f"song detection and icecast metadata differ:\n{meta_title}\n{songs[-1].title}") songs[-1].title = meta_title if remaining: songs[-1].remaining = remaining return songs async def queue_get(self) -> List[Song]: from import Radio queues = await Radio.command(self.telnet_cmd_queue) queue_ids = re.findall(b"\d+", queues) if not queue_ids: return [] queue_ids: List[int] = list(reversed(list(map(int, queue_ids)))) # yolo songs = [] for request_id in queue_ids: liq_meta = await Radio.command(f"request.metadata {request_id}") liq_meta = liq_meta.decode(errors='none') liq_fn = re.findall(r"filename=\"(.*)\"", liq_meta) if not liq_fn: continue liq_fn = liq_fn[0] try: song = await Song.from_filepath(liq_fn) songs.append(song) except Exception as ex: logging.error(ex) # remove the now playing song from the queue now_playing = await if songs and now_playing: if songs[0].filepath == now_playing.filepath: songs = songs[1:] return songs async def queue_push(self, filepath: str) -> bool: from import Radio from ircradio.factory import app if not os.path.exists(filepath): logging.error(f"file does not exist: {filepath}") return False current_queue = await self.queue_get() if filepath in [c.filepath for c in current_queue]: logging.error(f"already added to queue: {song.filepath}") return False try: await Radio.command(f"{self.telnet_cmd_push} {filepath}") except Exception as ex: logging.error(f"failed to push, idunno; {ex}") return False return True async def get_listeners(self) -> int: from import Radio meta: dict = await Radio.icecast_metadata(self) return meta.get('listeners', 0) @property def telnet_cmd_push(self): # push into queue return f"{self.request_id}.push" @property def telnet_cmd_queue(self): # view queue_ids return f"{self.request_id}.queue" @property def telnet_cmd_metadata(self): return f"{self.mount_point}.metadata" @property def telnet_cmd_remaining(self): return f"{self.mount_point}.remaining" @property def telnet_cmd_skip(self): return f"{self.mount_point}.skip" @property def stream_url(self): return f"http://{settings.icecast2_hostname}/{self.mount_point}"