You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

148 lines
3.4 KiB

#ifndef JSONTX_H
#define JSONTX_H
#include "../src/tools.h"
#include "../ext/json.hpp"
namespace xmreg
using json = nlohmann::json;
* @brief reprsents txs found in tests/res/tx folder
* Usef for unit testing and mocking tx data, which
* otherwise would need to be fetched from blockchain
class JsonTx
struct output
uint64_t index {0};
public_key pub_key;
uint64_t amount {0};
struct input
key_image key_img;
uint64_t amount;
public_key out_pub_key;
struct account
address_parse_info address {};
secret_key viewkey {};
secret_key spendkey {};
bool is_subaddress {false};
network_type ntype;
uint64_t amount {0};
uint64_t change {0};
vector<output> outputs;
vector<input> inputs;
boost::optional<subaddress_index> subaddr_idx;
inline string
address_str() const
return get_account_address_as_str(ntype,
inline account_keys
get_account_keys() const
return {address.address, spendkey, viewkey};
friend std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, account const& _account);
json jtx;
transaction tx;
crypto::hash tx_hash {0};
crypto::hash tx_prefix_hash {0};
crypto::public_key tx_pub_key;
crypto::hash payment_id {0};
crypto::hash8 payment_id8 {0};
crypto::hash8 payment_id8e {0};
// starting from monero v0.14.0.0,
// txs can have dummy encrypted payments id
// you know if they are dummy, if after decryption
// they are null
bool is_payment_id8_real {false};
uint64_t fee {0};
string jpath;
network_type ntype;
account sender;
vector<account> recipients;
explicit JsonTx(json _jtx);
explicit JsonTx(string _path);
// generate output which normaly is produced by
// monero's get_output_tx_and_index and blockchain,
// but here we use data from the tx json data file
// need this for mocking blockchain calls in unit tests
uint64_t const& amount,
vector<uint64_t> const& offsets,
vector<tx_out_index>& indices) const;
// will use data from the json file
// to set tx. Used for mocking this operation
// that is normaly done using blockchain
get_tx(crypto::hash const& tx_hash,
transaction& tx) const;
// used for mocking get_output_key
// that normally will fetch data from
// the blockchain
get_output_key(uint64_t amount,
vector<uint64_t> const& absolute_offsets,
vector<cryptonote::output_data_t>& outputs);
void init();
bool read_config();
void populate_outputs(json const& joutputs, vector<output>& outs);
void populate_inputs(json const& jinputs, vector<input>& ins);
inline std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, JsonTx::account const& _account)
return os << _account.address_str();
check_and_adjust_path(string& in_path);
construct_jsontx(string tx_hash);
#endif // JSONTX_H