from datetime import datetime import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, relationship from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base import settings base = declarative_base(name="Model") class User(base): __tablename__ = "users" id = sa.Column('user_id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True) username = sa.Column(sa.String(20), unique=True, index=True) password = sa.Column(sa.String(60)) email = sa.Column(sa.String(50), unique=True, index=True) registered_on = sa.Column(sa.DateTime) admin = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=False) proposals = relationship('Proposal', back_populates="user") comments = relationship("Comment", back_populates="user") def __init__(self, username, password, email): from funding.factory import bcrypt self.username = username self.password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(password).decode('utf8') = email self.registered_on = datetime.utcnow() @property def is_authenticated(self): return True @property def is_active(self): return True @property def is_anonymous(self): return False @property def is_admin(self): return self.admin def get_id(self): return def __repr__(self): return self.username @classmethod def add(cls, username, password, email): from funding.factory import db_session from funding.validation import val_username, val_email try: # validate incoming username/email val_username(username) val_email(email) user = User(username, password, email) db_session.add(user) db_session.commit() db_session.flush() return user except Exception as ex: db_session.rollback() raise class Proposal(base): __tablename__ = "proposals" id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) headline = sa.Column(sa.VARCHAR, nullable=False) content = sa.Column(sa.VARCHAR, nullable=False) category = sa.Column(sa.VARCHAR, nullable=False) date_added = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP, html = sa.Column(sa.VARCHAR) last_edited = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP) # the FFS target funds_target = sa.Column(sa.Float, nullable=False) # the FFS progress (cached) funds_progress = sa.Column(sa.Float, nullable=False, default=0) # the FFS withdrawal amount (paid to the author) funds_withdrew = sa.Column(sa.Float, nullable=False, default=0) # the FFS receiving and withdrawal addresses addr_donation = sa.Column(sa.VARCHAR) addr_receiving = sa.Column(sa.VARCHAR) # proposal status: # 0: disabled # 1: proposed # 2: funding required # 3: wip # 4: completed status = sa.Column(sa.INTEGER, default=1) user_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('users.user_id')) user = relationship("User", back_populates="proposals") payouts = relationship("Payout", back_populates="proposal") comments = relationship("Comment", back_populates="proposal", lazy='select') def __init__(self, headline, content, category, user: User): if not headline or not content: raise Exception('faulty proposal') self.headline = headline self.content = content self.user_id = if category not in settings.FUNDING_CATEGORIES: raise Exception('wrong category') self.category = category @property def json(self): return { 'date_posted_epoch': self.date_added.strftime('%s'), 'date_posted': self.date_added.strftime('%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S'), 'headline': self.headline, 'content_markdown': self.content, 'category': self.category, 'funds_target': self.funds_target, 'funded_pct': self.funds_progress, 'addr_donation': self.addr_donation, 'status': self.status, 'user': self.user.username, 'id': } @classmethod def find_by_id(cls, pid: int): from funding.factory import db_session q = cls.query q = q.filter( == pid) result = q.first() if not result: return # check if we have a valid addr_donation generated. if not, make one. if not result.addr_donation and result.status == 2: from funding.bin.daemon import Daemon Proposal.generate_donation_addr(result) return result @property def funds_target_usd(self): from funding.bin.utils import Summary, coin_to_usd prices = Summary.fetch_prices() if not prices: return return coin_to_usd(amt=self.funds_target, btc_per_coin=prices['coin-btc'], usd_per_btc=prices['btc-usd']) @property def comment_count(self): from funding.factory import db_session q = db_session.query(sa.func.count( q = q.filter(Comment.proposal_id == return q.scalar() def get_comments(self): from funding.factory import db_session q = db_session.query(Comment) q = q.filter(Comment.proposal_id == q = q.filter(Comment.replied_to == None) q = q.order_by(Comment.date_added.desc()) comments = q.all() for c in comments: q = db_session.query(Comment) q = q.filter(Comment.proposal_id == q = q.filter(Comment.replied_to == _c = q.all() setattr(c, 'comments', _c) setattr(self, '_comments', comments) return self @property def balance(self): """This property retrieves the current funding status of this proposal. It uses Redis cache to not spam the daemon too much. Returns a nice dictionary containing all relevant proposal funding info""" from funding.bin.utils import Summary, coin_to_usd from funding.factory import cache, db_session rtn = {'sum': 0.0, 'txs': [], 'pct': 0.0} cache_key = 'coin_balance_pid_%d' % data = cache.get(cache_key) if not data: from funding.bin.daemon import Daemon try: data = Daemon().get_transfers_in(proposal=self) if not isinstance(data, dict): print('error; get_transfers_in; %d' % return rtn cache.set(cache_key, data=data, expiry=60) except Exception as ex: print('error; get_transfers_in; %d' % return rtn prices = Summary.fetch_prices() for tx in data['txs']: if prices: tx['amount_usd'] = coin_to_usd(amt=tx['amount_human'], btc_per_coin=prices['coin-btc'], usd_per_btc=prices['btc-usd']) tx['datetime'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(tx['timestamp']) if data.get('sum', 0.0): data['pct'] = 100 / float(self.funds_target / data.get('sum', 0.0)) data['available'] = data['sum'] else: data['pct'] = 0.0 data['available'] = 0.0 if data['pct'] != self.funds_progress: self.funds_progress = data['pct'] db_session.commit() db_session.flush() if data['available']: data['remaining_pct'] = 100 / float(data['sum'] / data['available']) else: data['remaining_pct'] = 0.0 return data @property def spends(self): from funding.bin.utils import Summary, coin_to_usd from funding.factory import cache, db_session rtn = {'sum': 0.0, 'txs': [], 'pct': 0.0} cache_key = 'coin_spends_pid_%d' % data = cache.get(cache_key) if not data: from funding.bin.daemon import Daemon try: data = Daemon().get_transfers_out(proposal=self) if not isinstance(data, dict): print('error; get_transfers_out; %d' % return rtn cache.set(cache_key, data=data, expiry=60) except: print('error; get_transfers_out; %d' % return rtn data['remaining_pct'] = 0.0 prices = Summary.fetch_prices() for tx in data['txs']: if prices: tx['amount_usd'] = coin_to_usd(amt=tx['amount_human'], btc_per_coin=prices['coin-btc'], usd_per_btc=prices['btc-usd']) tx['datetime'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(tx['timestamp']) if data.get('sum', 0.0): data['pct'] = 100 / float(self.funds_target / data.get('sum', 0.0)) data['spent'] = data['sum'] else: data['pct'] = 0.0 data['spent'] = 0.0 cache_key_in = 'coin_balance_pid_%d' % data_in = cache.get(cache_key_in) if data_in and data['spent']: data['remaining_pct'] = 100 / float(data_in['sum'] / data['spent']) return data @staticmethod def generate_donation_addr(cls): from funding.factory import db_session from funding.bin.daemon import Daemon if cls.addr_donation: return cls.addr_donation # check if the current user has an account in the wallet account = Daemon().get_accounts( if not account: account = Daemon().create_account( index = account['account_index'] address = account.get('address') or account.get('base_address') if not address: raise Exception('Cannot generate account/address for pid %d' % # assign donation address, commit to db cls.addr_donation = address db_session.commit() db_session.flush() return address @classmethod def find_by_args(cls, status: int = None, cat: str = None, limit: int = 20, offset=0): from funding.factory import db_session if isinstance(status, int) and status not in settings.FUNDING_STATUSES.keys(): raise NotImplementedError('invalid status') if isinstance(cat, str) and cat not in settings.FUNDING_CATEGORIES: raise NotImplementedError('invalid cat') q = cls.query if isinstance(status, int): q = q.filter(Proposal.status == status) if cat: q = q.filter(Proposal.category == cat) q = q.order_by(Proposal.date_added.desc()) q = q.limit(limit) if isinstance(offset, int): q = q.offset(offset) return q.all() @classmethod def search(cls, key: str): key_ilike = '%' + key.replace('%', '') + '%' q = Proposal.query q = q.filter(sa.or_( Proposal.headline.ilike(key_ilike), Proposal.content.ilike(key_ilike))) return q.all() class Payout(base): __tablename__ = "payouts" id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) proposal_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('')) proposal = relationship("Proposal", back_populates="payouts") amount = sa.Column(sa.Integer, nullable=False) to_address = sa.Column(sa.VARCHAR, nullable=False) ix_proposal_id = sa.Index("ix_proposal_id", proposal_id) @classmethod def add(cls, proposal_id, amount, to_address): # @TODO: validate that we can make this payout; check previous payouts from flask.ext.login import current_user if not current_user.admin: raise Exception("user must be admin to add a payout") from funding.factory import db_session try: payout = Payout(propsal_id=proposal_id, amount=amount, to_address=to_address) db_session.add(payout) db_session.commit() db_session.flush() return payout except Exception as ex: db_session.rollback() raise @staticmethod def get_payouts(proposal_id): from funding.factory import db_session return db_session.query(Payout).filter(Payout.proposal_id == proposal_id).all() class Comment(base): __tablename__ = "comments" id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) proposal_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('')) proposal = relationship("Proposal", back_populates="comments") user_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('users.user_id'), nullable=False) user = relationship("User", back_populates="comments") date_added = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP, message = sa.Column(sa.VARCHAR, nullable=False) replied_to = sa.Column(sa.ForeignKey("")) locked = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=False) automated = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=False) ix_comment_replied_to = sa.Index("ix_comment_replied_to", replied_to) ix_comment_proposal_id = sa.Index("ix_comment_proposal_id", proposal_id) @property def ago(self): from funding.bin.utils_time import TimeMagic return TimeMagic().ago(self.date_added) @staticmethod def find_by_id(cid: int): from funding.factory import db_session return db_session.query(Comment).filter( == cid).first() @staticmethod def remove(cid: int): from funding.factory import db_session from flask.ext.login import current_user if != user_id and not current_user.admin: raise Exception("no rights to remove this comment") comment = Comment.get(cid=cid) try: comment.delete() db_session.commit() db_session.flush() except: db_session.rollback() raise @staticmethod def lock(cid: int): from funding.factory import db_session from flask.ext.login import current_user if not current_user.admin: raise Exception("admin required") comment = Comment.find_by_id(cid=cid) if not comment: raise Exception("comment by that id not found") comment.locked = True try: db_session.commit() db_session.flush() return comment except: db_session.rollback() raise @classmethod def add_comment(cls, pid: int, user_id: int, message: str, cid: int = None, message_id: int = None, automated=False): from flask.ext.login import current_user from funding.factory import db_session if not message: raise Exception("empty message") if != user_id and not current_user.admin: raise Exception("no rights to add or modify this comment") if not message_id: proposal = Proposal.find_by_id(pid=pid) if not proposal: raise Exception("no proposal by that id") comment = Comment(user_id=user_id,, automated=automated) if cid: parent = Comment.find_by_id(cid=cid) if not parent: raise Exception("cannot reply to a non-existent comment") comment.replied_to = else: try: user = db_session.query(User).filter( == user_id).first() if not user: raise Exception("no user by that id") comment = next(c for c in user.comments if == message_id) if comment.locked and not current_user.admin: raise Exception("your comment has been locked/removed") except StopIteration: raise Exception("no message by that id") except: raise Exception("unknown error") try: comment.message = message db_session.add(comment) db_session.commit() db_session.flush() except Exception as ex: db_session.rollback() raise Exception(str(ex)) return comment