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// Created by mwo on 8/12/16.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include "CurrentBlockchainStatus.h"
#include "MySqlAccounts.h"
#include "../ext/restbed/source/restbed"
namespace xmreg
using namespace std;
using namespace restbed;
using namespace nlohmann;
get_current_time(const char* format = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z");
multimap<string, string>
make_headers(const multimap<string, string>& extra_headers = multimap<string, string>());
struct handel_
using fetch_func_t = function< void ( const shared_ptr< Session >, const Bytes& ) >;
fetch_func_t request_callback;
handel_(const fetch_func_t& callback);
void operator()(const shared_ptr< Session > session);
class YourMoneroRequests
// this manages all mysql queries
shared_ptr<MySqlAccounts> xmr_accounts;
static bool show_logs;
YourMoneroRequests(shared_ptr<MySqlAccounts> _acc);
* A login request handler.
* It takes address and viewkey from the request
* and check mysql if address/account exist. If yes,
* it returns this account. If not, it creates new one.
* Once this complites, a thread is started that looks
* for txs belonging to that account.
* @param session a Restbed session
* @param body a POST body, i.e., json string
login(const shared_ptr<Session> session, const Bytes & body);
get_address_txs(const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body);
get_address_info(const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body);
get_unspent_outs(const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body);
get_random_outs(const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body);
submit_raw_tx(const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body);
import_wallet_request(const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body);
make_resource(function< void (YourMoneroRequests&, const shared_ptr< Session >, const Bytes& ) > handle_func,
const string& path);
static void
generic_options_handler( const shared_ptr< Session > session );
static void
print_json_log(const string& text, const json& j);
static inline string
body_to_string(const Bytes & body);
static inline json
body_to_json(const Bytes & body);
inline uint64_t
* Search for our txs in the mempool
* The method searches for our txs (outputs and inputs)
* in the mempool. It does basically same what TxSearch class is
* doing. The difference is that TxSearch class searches in a thread
* in a blockchain. It does not scan for tx in mempool. This is because
* TxSearch writes what it finds into database for permament storage.
* However txs in mempool are not permament. Also since we want to
* give the end user quick update on incoming/outging tx, this method
* will be executed whenever frontend wants. By default it is every
* 10 seconds. TxSearch class is timed independetly of the frontend.
* Also since we dont write here anything to the database, we
* return a json that will be appended to json produced by get_address_tx
* and similar function. The outputs here cant be spent anyway. This is
* only for end user information. The txs found here will be written
* to database later on by TxSearch thread when they will be added
* to the blockchain.
* @return json
find_txs_in_mempool(const account_public_address* address,
const secret_key* viewkey);