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#pragma once
#include "db/MySqlAccounts.h"
#include "OutputInputIdentification.h"
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace xmreg
using namespace std;
using chrono::seconds;
using namespace literals::chrono_literals;
class XmrAccount;
class MySqlAccounts;
class TxSearchException: public std::runtime_error
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
class TxSearch
// out_pk , amount
using known_outputs_t = std::unordered_map<public_key, uint64_t>;
using addr_view_t = std::pair<address_parse_info, secret_key>;
using pool_txs_t = std::vector<pair<uint64_t, transaction>>;
// how frequently update scanned_block_height in Accounts table
//static constexpr uint64_t UPDATE_SCANNED_HEIGHT_INTERVAL = 5; // seconds
// how long should the search thread be live after no request
// are coming from the frontend. For example, when a user finishes
// using the service.
static seconds thread_search_life;
// indicate that a thread loop should keep running
std::atomic_bool continue_search {true};
// this acctually indicates whether thread loop finished
// its execution
std::atomic_bool searching_is_ongoing {false};
// marked true when we set new searched block value
// from other thread. for example, when we import account
// we set it to 0
std::atomic_bool searched_block_got_updated {false};
// to store last exception thrown in the search thread
// using this, a main thread can get info what went wrong here
std::exception_ptr eptr;
mutex getting_eptr;
mutex getting_known_outputs_keys;
seconds last_ping_timestamp;
atomic<uint64_t> searched_blk_no;
// represents a row in mysql's Accounts table
shared_ptr<XmrAccount> acc;
// stores known output public keys.
// used as a cash to fast look up of
// our public keys in key images. Saves a lot of
// mysql queries to Outputs table.
known_outputs_t known_outputs_keys;
// this manages all mysql queries
// its better to when each thread has its own mysql connection object.
// this way if one thread crashes, it want take down
// connection for the entire service
std::shared_ptr<MySqlAccounts> xmr_accounts;
std::shared_ptr<CurrentBlockchainStatus> current_bc_status;
// address and viewkey for this search thread.
address_parse_info address;
secret_key viewkey;
string address_prefix;
// make default constructor. useful in testing
TxSearch() = default;
TxSearch(XmrAccount& _acc,
std::shared_ptr<CurrentBlockchainStatus> _current_bc_status);
virtual void
virtual void
virtual void
set_searched_blk_no(uint64_t new_value);
virtual uint64_t
get_searched_blk_no() const;
virtual seconds
get_current_timestamp() const;
virtual void
virtual bool
still_searching() const;
virtual void
virtual known_outputs_t
virtual void
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck (getting_eptr);
eptr = std::current_exception();
virtual std::exception_ptr
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck (getting_eptr);
return eptr;
* Search for our txs in the mempool
* The method searches for our txs (outputs and inputs)
* in the mempool. It does basically same what search method
* The difference is that search method searches in a thread
* in a blockchain. It does not scan for tx in mempool. This is because
* it writes what it finds into database for permament storage.
* However txs in mempool are not permament. Also since we want to
* give the end user quick update on incoming/outging tx, this method
* will be executed whenever frontend wants. By default it is every
* 10 seconds.
* Also since we dont write here anything to the database, we
* return a json that will be appended to json produced by get_address_tx
* and similar function. The outputs here cant be spent anyway. This is
* only for end user information. The txs found here will be written
* to database later on by TxSearch thread when they will be added
* to the blockchain.
* we pass mempool_txs by copy because we want copy of mempool txs.
* to avoid worrying about synchronizing threads
* @return json
virtual void
find_txs_in_mempool(pool_txs_t mempool_txs,
json* j_transactions);
virtual addr_view_t
get_xmr_address_viewkey() const;
static void
set_search_thread_life(seconds life_seconds);
virtual bool
delete_existing_tx_if_exists(string const& tx_hash);
virtual ~TxSearch();