You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

63 lines
1002 B

#ifndef JSONTX_H
#define JSONTX_H
#include "../src/tools.h"
namespace xmreg
* @brief reprsents txs found in tests/res/tx folder
* Usef for unit testing and mocking tx data, which
* otherwise would need to be fetched from blockchain
class JsonTx
struct account
address_parse_info address {};
secret_key viewkey {};
secret_key spendkey {};
uint64_t amount {0};
uint64_t change {0};
json jtx;
transaction tx;
crypto::hash tx_hash; \
crypto::hash tx_prefix_hash;
crypto::public_key tx_pub_key;
string jpath;
network_type ntype;
account sender;
vector<account> recipients;
explicit JsonTx(json _jtx);
explicit JsonTx(string _path);
void init();
bool read_config();
check_and_adjust_path(string& in_path);
construct_jsontx(string tx_hash);
#endif // JSONTX_H