You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

150 lines
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// Created by mwo on 14/12/16.
#include "MicroCore.h"
#include "ssqlses.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
namespace xmreg {
using namespace std;
class TxSearch;
class XmrAccount;
class MySqlAccounts;
static mutex searching_threads_map_mtx;
static mutex getting_mempool_txs;
* This is a thread class
struct CurrentBlockchainStatus
static string blockchain_path;
static atomic<uint64_t> current_height;
static string deamon_url;
static bool testnet;
static std::thread m_thread;
static bool is_running;
static uint64_t refresh_block_status_every_seconds;
static string import_payment_address;
static string import_payment_viewkey;
static uint64_t import_fee;
static account_public_address address;
static secret_key viewkey;
// vector of mempool transactions that all threads
// can refer to
static vector<transaction> mempool_txs;
// map that will keep track of search threads. In the
// map, key is address to which a running thread belongs to.
// make it static to guarantee only one such map exist.
static map<string, shared_ptr<TxSearch>> searching_threads;
// since this class monitors current status
// of the blockchain, its seems logical to
// make object for accessing the blockchain here
static xmreg::MicroCore mcore;
static cryptonote::Blockchain *core_storage;
void start_monitor_blockchain_thread();
static void
set_blockchain_path(const string &path);
static void
set_testnet(bool is_testnet);
static bool
static bool
get_block(uint64_t height, block &blk);
static bool
get_block_txs(const block &blk, list <transaction> &blk_txs);
static bool
get_output_keys(const uint64_t& amount,
const vector<uint64_t>& absolute_offsets,
vector<cryptonote::output_data_t>& outputs);
static bool
get_amount_specific_indices(const crypto::hash& tx_hash,
vector<uint64_t>& out_indices);
static bool
get_random_outputs(const vector<uint64_t>& amounts,
const uint64_t& outs_count,
vector<COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::outs_for_amount>& found_outputs);
static bool
commit_tx(const string& tx_blob);
static bool
static vector<transaction>
static bool
const string& payment_id_str,
const uint64_t& desired_amount,
string& tx_hash_with_payment);
static string
get_payment_id_as_string(const transaction& tx);
// definitions of these function are at the end of this file
// due to forward declaraions of TxSearch
static bool
start_tx_search_thread(XmrAccount acc);
static bool
ping_search_thread(const string& address);
static bool
set_new_searched_blk_no(const string& address, uint64_t new_value);
static void