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// Created by mwo on 12/12/16.
#include "MySqlAccounts.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "mylmdb.h"
#include "CurrentBlockchainStatus.h"
#include <mysql++/mysql++.h>
#include <mysql++/ssqls.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
namespace xmreg
mutex mtx;
class TxSearchException: public std::runtime_error
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
class TxSearch
static constexpr uint64_t UPDATE_SCANNED_HEIGHT_INTERVAL = 10; // seconds
bool continue_search {true};
// represents a row in mysql's Accounts table
XmrAccount acc;
// this manages all mysql queries
// its better to when each thread has its own mysql connection object.
// this way if one thread crashes, it want take down
// connection for the entire service
shared_ptr<MySqlAccounts> xmr_accounts;
// address and viewkey for this search thread.
account_public_address address;
secret_key viewkey;
TxSearch(XmrAccount& _acc):
acc {_acc}
xmr_accounts = make_shared<MySqlAccounts>();
bool testnet = CurrentBlockchainStatus::testnet;
if (!xmreg::parse_str_address(acc.address, address, testnet))
cerr << "Cant parse string address: " << acc.address << endl;
throw TxSearchException("Cant parse string address: " + acc.address);
if (!xmreg::parse_str_secret_key(acc.viewkey, viewkey))
cerr << "Cant parse the private key: " << acc.viewkey << endl;
throw TxSearchException("Cant parse private key: " + acc.viewkey);
// start searching from last block that we searched for
// this accont
uint64_t searched_blk_no = acc.scanned_block_height;
// start scanning from befor for tests.
searched_blk_no -= 100;
if (searched_blk_no > CurrentBlockchainStatus::current_height)
throw TxSearchException("searched_blk_no > CurrentBlockchainStatus::current_height");
uint64_t current_timestamp = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>(
uint64_t loop_idx {0};
uint64_t loop_timestamp {current_timestamp};
if (loop_idx % 2 == 0)
// get loop time every second iteration. no need to call it
// all the time.
loop_timestamp = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>(
if (searched_blk_no > CurrentBlockchainStatus::current_height) {
fmt::print("searched_blk_no {:d} and current_height {:d}\n",
searched_blk_no, CurrentBlockchainStatus::current_height);
//cout << " - searching tx of: " << acc << endl;
// get block cointaining this tx
block blk;
if (!CurrentBlockchainStatus::get_block(searched_blk_no, blk)) {
cerr << "Cant get block of height: " + to_string(searched_blk_no) << endl;
searched_blk_no = -2; // just go back one block, and retry
// for each tx in the given block look, get ouputs
list <cryptonote::transaction> blk_txs;
if (!CurrentBlockchainStatus::get_block_txs(blk, blk_txs)) {
throw TxSearchException("Cant get transactions in block: " + to_string(searched_blk_no));
if (searched_blk_no % 100 == 0)
// print status every 10th block
fmt::print(" - searching block {:d} of hash {:s} \n",
searched_blk_no, pod_to_hex(get_block_hash(blk)));
// searching for our incoming and outgoing xmr has two componotes.
// FIRIST. to search for the incoming xmr, we use address, viewkey and
// outputs public key. Its stright forward.
// second. searching four our spendings is trickier, as we dont have
// SECOND. But what we can do, we can look for condidate spend keys.
// and this can be achieved by checking if any mixin in associated with
// the given image, is our output. If it is our output, than we assume
// its our key image (i.e. we spend this output). Off course this is only
// assumption as our outputs can be used in key images of others for their
// mixin purposes. Thus, we sent to the front end, the list of key images
// that we think are yours, and the frontend, because it has spend key,
// can filter out false positives.
for (transaction& tx: blk_txs)
crypto::hash tx_hash = get_transaction_hash(tx);
// cout << pod_to_hex(tx_hash) << endl;
public_key tx_pub_key = xmreg::get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(tx);
// <public_key , amount , out idx>
vector<tuple<txout_to_key, uint64_t, uint64_t>> outputs;
outputs = get_ouputs_tuple(tx);
// for each output, in a tx, check if it belongs
// to the given account of specific address and viewkey
// public transaction key is combined with our viewkey
// to create, so called, derived key.
key_derivation derivation;
if (!generate_key_derivation(tx_pub_key, viewkey, derivation))
cerr << "Cant get derived key for: " << "\n"
<< "pub_tx_key: " << tx_pub_key << " and "
<< "prv_view_key" << viewkey << endl;
throw TxSearchException("");
uint64_t total_received {0};
// <out_pub_key, index in tx>
vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> found_mine_outputs;
for (auto& out: outputs)
txout_to_key txout_k = std::get<0>(out);
uint64_t amount = std::get<1>(out);
uint64_t output_idx_in_tx = std::get<2>(out);
// get the tx output public key
// that normally would be generated for us,
// if someone had sent us some xmr.
public_key generated_tx_pubkey;
// check if generated public key matches the current output's key
bool mine_output = (txout_k.key == generated_tx_pubkey);
//cout << "Chekcing output: " << pod_to_hex(txout_k.key) << " "
// << "mine_output: " << mine_output << endl;
// if mine output has RingCT, i.e., tx version is 2
// need to decode its amount. otherwise its zero.
if (mine_output && tx.version == 2)
// initialize with regular amount
uint64_t rct_amount = amount;
bool r;
r = decode_ringct(tx.rct_signatures,
if (!r)
cerr << "Cant decode ringCT!" << endl;
throw TxSearchException("");
// cointbase txs have amounts in plain sight.
// so use amount from ringct, only for non-coinbase txs
if (!is_coinbase(tx))
rct_amount = amount;
amount = rct_amount;
} // if (mine_output && tx.version == 2)
if (mine_output)
string out_key_str = pod_to_hex(txout_k.key);
// found an output associated with the given address and viewkey
string msg = fmt::format("block: {:d}, tx_hash: {:s}, output_pub_key: {:s}\n",
cout << msg << endl;
total_received += amount;
found_mine_outputs.emplace_back(out_key_str, output_idx_in_tx);
} // for (const auto& out: outputs)
if (!found_mine_outputs.empty()) {
crypto::hash payment_id = null_hash;
crypto::hash8 payment_id8 = null_hash8;
get_payment_id(tx, payment_id, payment_id8);
string payment_id_str{""};
if (payment_id != null_hash)
payment_id_str = pod_to_hex(payment_id);
else if (payment_id8 != null_hash8)
payment_id_str = pod_to_hex(payment_id8);
string tx_hash_str = pod_to_hex(tx_hash);
XmrTransaction tx_data;
tx_data.hash = tx_hash_str;
tx_data.account_id =;
tx_data.total_received = total_received;
tx_data.total_sent = 0; // at this stage we don't have any
// info about spendings
tx_data.unlock_time = 0;
tx_data.height = searched_blk_no;
tx_data.coinbase = is_coinbase(tx);
tx_data.payment_id = payment_id_str;
tx_data.mixin = get_mixin_no(tx) - 1;
tx_data.timestamp = XmrTransaction::timestamp_to_DateTime(blk.timestamp);
// insert tx_data into mysql's Transactions table
uint64_t tx_mysql_id = xmr_accounts->insert_tx(tx_data);
// now add the found outputs into Outputs tables
for (auto &out_k_idx: found_mine_outputs)
XmrOutput out_data;
out_data.account_id =;
out_data.tx_id = tx_mysql_id;
out_data.out_pub_key = out_k_idx.first;
out_data.tx_pub_key = pod_to_hex(tx_pub_key);
out_data.out_index = out_k_idx.second;
out_data.mixin = tx_data.mixin;
out_data.timestamp = tx_data.timestamp;
// insert output into mysql's outputs table
uint64_t out_mysql_id = xmr_accounts->insert_output(out_data);
// once tx and outputs were added, update Accounts table
XmrAccount updated_acc = acc;
updated_acc.total_received = acc.total_received + tx_data.total_received;
if (xmr_accounts->update(acc, updated_acc))
// iff success, set acc to updated_acc;
acc = updated_acc;
} // for (const transaction& tx: blk_txs)
if ((loop_timestamp - current_timestamp > UPDATE_SCANNED_HEIGHT_INTERVAL)
|| searched_blk_no == CurrentBlockchainStatus::current_height)
// update scanned_block_height every given interval
// or when we reached top of the blockchain
XmrAccount updated_acc = acc;
updated_acc.scanned_block_height = searched_blk_no;
if (xmr_accounts->update(acc, updated_acc))
// iff success, set acc to updated_acc;
cout << "scanned_block_height updated" << endl;
acc = updated_acc;
current_timestamp = loop_timestamp;
cout << "something to stop the thread by setting continue_search=false" << endl;
cout << "TxSearch destroyed" << endl;