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<h1 class="slider-heading">Monero Support</h1>
<div class="subhead-text">Need an account?&nbsp;<a href="#/create-your-account" class="login-link steps">Create a Monero account.</a>
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<div class="support-block">Support Email:</div>
<div class="support-text">xxx@xxxx</div>
<div class="w-col w-col-6 column-support">
<div class="support-block">Feedback &amp;&nbsp;Bugs:</div>
<div class="support-text">xxxx@xxxx</div>
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<div class="info-header middle">What is Open Monero?</div>
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Open Monero is an open source, prove of concept implementation
of The frontend, html, css, JavaScript, were adapted
from, and originally developed by
MyMonero's backend is closed source. Thus for Open Monero, the open sourced
backand server was developed from scratch. As such it is open source, free
to use and modify by anybody.
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<div class="info-header middle">What is a Hosted Monero Account?</div>
<div class="no-account-text thin middle">The service provides secure, hosted Monero accounts in order to provide easy access to funds for those that would prefer not to run a full Monero client themselves, or for those on devices with limited resources. You can access your account on any device, as long as you have access to your private login key. The service never knows your private login key, and is thus unable to spend your funds without your authorisation. All of the private cryptography is done locally on your device.</div>