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<h1 class="slider-heading">That was simple. Your Account has been created</h1>
<div class="subhead-text">Already have an account?&nbsp;
<a class="login-link steps pointer" data-ix="display-login" show-modal="login">Login to an existing Monero account</a>
<div class="w-container create-account-container">
<div class="no-account-div top-box">
<div class="info-header middle">Take Note of your Private Login Key!</div>
<div class="no-account-text thin middle">
Below this you will find your thirteen word "Private Login Key". Keeping this secure and private is very important, as it is
the only way that you will be able to login to your account. As we don't store your private login key on the server
there is no way to recover it if it is lost!<br><br>Your private login key can also never be changed, and if it is stolen or otherwise
compromised, you will have to move your funds to a new account with a new private login key. Therefore, it is best that you
backup your private login key by writing it down, perhaps obscuring it as part of a poem or letter, and storing it in multiple
safe and secure places.
<div class="no-account-div top-box">
<div class="info-header middle">Understand the Risks in Using this Service</div>
<div class="no-account-text thin middle">
This is a web-based interface that allows you to use Monero without running a full Monero node. However, because this convenience
comes at a cost: it is extremely difficult to securely deliver its code to your browser. This means that there is
considerable risk in using this service for large amounts!<br><br>It is recommended that you treat this service as you would treat your
actual wallet, and not store very large amounts in it. For long-term storage of Monero you should create a cold wallet using
<a href="">MoneroAddress</a> or similar.
<div class="no-account-div upper-box">
<div class="info-header middle-top">Your Private Login Key</div>
<div class="result-text">{{mnemonic}}</div>
<div class="mid-div">
<div class="w-form formwrap login-key-form">
<form id="email-form" name="email-form" data-name="Email Form" data-redirect="/overview.html" ng-submit="login(seed, mnemonic, mnemonic_confirmation)" >
<label class="info-header form middle" for="Login-Key">Confirm your Private Login Key</label>
<input class="w-input mnemonic-page" id="Login-Key" type="text" ng-model="mnemonic_confirmation" placeholder="Type your Private Login Key out here to confirm it" name="Login-Key" data-name="Login Key" autocomplete="off" required="">
<input class="w-button mnemonic-login" id="form-submit" type="submit" value="I&#39;ve written down my Private Login Key, log me in!" data-wait="Please wait...">
<div class="w-form-fail" style="display: block;" ng-show="!!error">