#include "src/om_log.h" #include "src/CmdLineOptions.h" #include "src/MicroCore.h" #include "src/YourMoneroRequests.h" #include "src/ThreadRAII.h" #include "src/MysqlPing.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace restbed; using boost::filesystem::path; int main(int ac, const char* av[]) { // get command line options xmreg::CmdLineOptions opts {ac, av}; auto help_opt = opts.get_option("help"); // if help was chosen, display help text and finish if (*help_opt) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } mlog_configure(mlog_get_default_log_path(""), true); mlog_set_log("1"); // setup a logger for Open Monero el::Configurations defaultConf; defaultConf.setToDefault(); //defaultConf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::Filename, filename_base); defaultConf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::ToFile, "false"); defaultConf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::ToStandardOutput, "true"); el::Loggers::reconfigureLogger("openmonero", defaultConf); OMINFO << "OpenMonero is starting"; auto do_not_relay_opt = opts.get_option("do-not-relay"); auto testnet_opt = opts.get_option("testnet"); auto stagenet_opt = opts.get_option("stagenet"); auto port_opt = opts.get_option("port"); auto config_file_opt = opts.get_option("config-file"); bool testnet = *testnet_opt; bool stagenet = *stagenet_opt; bool do_not_relay = *do_not_relay_opt; if (testnet && stagenet) { OMERROR << "testnet and stagenet cannot be specified at the same time!"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // get the network type cryptonote::network_type nettype = testnet ? cryptonote::network_type::TESTNET : stagenet ? cryptonote::network_type::STAGENET : cryptonote::network_type::MAINNET; // create blockchainsetup instance and set its parameters // suc as blockchain status monitoring thread parameters xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup {nettype, do_not_relay, *config_file_opt}; OMINFO << "Using blockchain path: " << bc_setup.blockchain_path; nlohmann::json config_json = bc_setup.get_config(); //cast port number in string to uint16 uint16_t app_port = boost::lexical_cast(*port_opt); // set mysql/mariadb connection details xmreg::MySqlConnector::url = config_json["database"]["url"]; xmreg::MySqlConnector::port = config_json["database"]["port"]; xmreg::MySqlConnector::username = config_json["database"]["user"]; xmreg::MySqlConnector::password = config_json["database"]["password"]; xmreg::MySqlConnector::dbname = config_json["database"]["dbname"]; // create rpc connector // once we have all the parameters for the blockchain and our backend // we can create and instance of CurrentBlockchainStatus class. // we are going to this through a shared pointer. This way we will // have only once instance of this class, which we can easly inject // and pass around other class which need to access blockchain data auto current_bc_status = make_shared( bc_setup, std::make_unique(), std::make_unique(bc_setup.deamon_url)); // since CurrentBlockchainStatus class monitors current status // of the blockchain (e.g., current height), its seems logical to // make static objects for accessing the blockchain in this class. // this way monero accessing blockchain variables (i.e. mcore and core_storage) // are not passed around like crazy everywhere. Uri( "file:///tmp/dh2048.pem" // There are here, and this is the only class that // has direct access to blockchain and talks (using rpc calls) // with the deamon. if (!current_bc_status->init_monero_blockchain()) { OMERROR << "Error accessing blockchain."; return EXIT_FAILURE; } //LOG_PRINT_L0("Initializing source blockchain (BlockchainDB)"); // launch the status monitoring thread so that it keeps track of blockchain // info, e.g., current height. Information from this thread is used // by tx searching threads that are launched for each user independently, // when they log back or create new account. current_bc_status->start_monitor_blockchain_thread(); OMINFO << "Blockchain monitoring thread started"; // try connecting to the mysql shared_ptr mysql_accounts; try { // MySqlAccounts will try connecting to the mysql database mysql_accounts = make_shared(current_bc_status); OMINFO << "Connected to the MySQL"; } catch(std::exception const& e) { OMERROR << e.what(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // at this point we should be connected to the mysql // mysql connection will timeout after few hours // of iddle time. so we have this tiny helper // thread to ping mysql, thus keeping it alive. // // "A completely different way to tackle this, // if your program doesn’t block forever waiting on I/O while idle, // is to periodically call Connection::ping(). [12] // This sends the smallest possible amount of data to the database server, // which will reset its idle timer and cause it to respond, so ping() returns true. // If it returns false instead, you know you need to reconnect to the server. // Periodic pinging is easiest to do if your program uses asynchronous I/O, // threads, or some kind of event loop to ensure that you can call // something periodically even while the rest of the program has nothing to do." // from: https://tangentsoft.net/mysql++/doc/html/userman/tutorial.html#connopts // xmreg::MysqlPing mysql_ping {mysql_accounts->get_connection()}; xmreg::ThreadRAII mysql_ping_thread( std::thread(std::ref(mysql_ping)), xmreg::ThreadRAII::DtorAction::detach); OMINFO << "MySQL ping thread started"; // create REST JSON API services xmreg::YourMoneroRequests open_monero(mysql_accounts, current_bc_status); // create Open Monero APIs MAKE_RESOURCE(login); MAKE_RESOURCE(get_address_txs); MAKE_RESOURCE(get_address_info); MAKE_RESOURCE(get_unspent_outs); MAKE_RESOURCE(get_random_outs); MAKE_RESOURCE(submit_raw_tx); MAKE_RESOURCE(import_wallet_request); MAKE_RESOURCE(import_recent_wallet_request); MAKE_RESOURCE(get_tx); MAKE_RESOURCE(get_version); // restbed service Service service; // Publish the Open Monero API created so that front end can use it service.publish(login); service.publish(get_address_txs); service.publish(get_address_info); service.publish(get_unspent_outs); service.publish(get_random_outs); service.publish(submit_raw_tx); service.publish(import_wallet_request); service.publish(import_recent_wallet_request); service.publish(get_tx); service.publish(get_version); OMINFO << "JSON API endpoints published"; auto settings = make_shared(); if (config_json["ssl"]["enable"]) { // based on the example provided at // https://github.com/Corvusoft/restbed/blob/34187502642144ab9f749ab40f5cdbd8cb17a54a/example/https_service/source/example.cpp auto ssl_settings = make_shared( ); Uri ssl_key = Uri(config_json["ssl"]["ssl-key"].get()); Uri ssl_crt = Uri(config_json["ssl"]["ssl-crt"].get()); Uri dh_pem = Uri(config_json["ssl"]["dh-pem"].get()); ssl_settings->set_http_disabled(true); ssl_settings->set_port(app_port); ssl_settings->set_private_key(ssl_key); ssl_settings->set_certificate(ssl_crt); ssl_settings->set_temporary_diffie_hellman(dh_pem); settings->set_ssl_settings(ssl_settings); // can check using: curl -k -v -w'\n' -X POST '' OMINFO << "Start the service at" << app_port; } else { settings->set_port(app_port); settings->set_default_header("Connection", "close"); OMINFO << "Start the service at" << app_port; } service.start(settings); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }