// // Created by mwo on 15/06/18. // #include "../src/MicroCore.h" #include "../src/BlockchainSetup.h" #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "../src/ThreadRAII.h" namespace { using json = nlohmann::json; using namespace std; using namespace cryptonote; using namespace epee::string_tools; using namespace std::chrono_literals; using ::testing::AllOf; using ::testing::Ge; using ::testing::Le; using ::testing::HasSubstr; using ::testing::Not; using ::testing::internal::FilePath; class DifferentNetworks : public ::testing::TestWithParam { }; class BlockchainSetupTest : public DifferentNetworks {}; TEST_P(BlockchainSetupTest, DefaultConstruction) { xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup; EXPECT_TRUE(true); } TEST_P(BlockchainSetupTest, ReadInConfigFile) { network_type net_type = GetParam(); string net_name = xmreg::BlockchainSetup::get_network_name(net_type); bool do_not_relay {false}; string confing_path {"../config/config.json"}; xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup {net_type, do_not_relay, confing_path}; json config_json = xmreg::BlockchainSetup::read_config(confing_path); EXPECT_EQ(bc_setup.import_payment_address_str, config_json["wallet_import"][net_name]["address"]); // we expact that bc_setup will have json config // equal to what we read manually EXPECT_EQ(bc_setup.get_config(), config_json); xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup2 {net_type, do_not_relay, config_json}; EXPECT_EQ(bc_setup2.import_payment_address_str, config_json["wallet_import"][net_name]["address"]); } TEST_P(BlockchainSetupTest, ReadInConfigFileFailure) { network_type net_type = GetParam(); string net_name = xmreg::BlockchainSetup::get_network_name(net_type); bool do_not_relay {false}; string confing_path {"../non_exisiting/config.json"}; try { // expect throw if confing file does not exist xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup {net_type, do_not_relay, confing_path}; } catch (std::exception const& e) { EXPECT_THAT(e.what(), HasSubstr("does not exist")); } confing_path = "./tests/res/config_ill_formed.json"; if (!boost::filesystem::exists(confing_path)) confing_path = "./res/config_ill_formed.json"; FilePath fp {confing_path}; ASSERT_TRUE(fp.FileOrDirectoryExists()); try { // expect throw if confing file is illformed and cant be parsed // into json xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup {net_type, do_not_relay, confing_path}; } catch (std::exception const& e) { EXPECT_THAT(e.what(), HasSubstr("Cant parse json ")); } } TEST_P(BlockchainSetupTest, ParsingConfigFileFailure) { network_type net_type = GetParam(); string net_name = xmreg::BlockchainSetup::get_network_name(net_type); bool do_not_relay {false}; string config_path {"../config/config.json"}; json config_json = xmreg::BlockchainSetup::read_config(config_path); json wrong_data = config_json; // make mistake in address wrong_data["wallet_import"][net_name]["address"] = string {"00011231"}; try { // expect throw if cant parase address or viewkey xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup {net_type, do_not_relay, wrong_data}; } catch (std::exception const& e) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } // provide empty address wrong_data = config_json; wrong_data["wallet_import"][net_name]["address"] = string {}; try { // expect throw if cant parase address or viewkey xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup {net_type, do_not_relay, wrong_data}; } catch (std::exception const& e) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } // provide wrong viewkey wrong_data = config_json; wrong_data["wallet_import"][net_name]["viewkey"] = string {"00011231"}; try { // expect throw if cant parase address or viewkey xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup {net_type, do_not_relay, wrong_data}; } catch (std::exception const& e) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } } TEST(BlockchainSetupTest, WrongNetworkType) { network_type net_type = network_type::UNDEFINED; try { // expect throw if cant parase address or viewkey xmreg::BlockchainSetup::get_network_name(net_type); } catch (std::exception const& e) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } bool do_not_relay {false}; string config_path {"../config/config.json"}; json config_json = xmreg::BlockchainSetup::read_config(config_path); try { // expect throw if cant parase address or viewkey xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup {net_type, do_not_relay, config_json}; } catch (std::exception const& e) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } } TEST_P(BlockchainSetupTest, WrongBlockchainPath) { network_type net_type = GetParam(); string net_name = xmreg::BlockchainSetup::get_network_name(net_type); bool do_not_relay {false}; string config_path {"../config/config.json"}; json config_json = xmreg::BlockchainSetup::read_config(config_path); // make mistake in address config_json["blockchain-path"][net_name] = string {"/wrong/path/to/bloclckahin"}; try { // expect throw if cant parase address or viewkey xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup {net_type, do_not_relay, config_json}; } catch (std::exception const& e) { EXPECT_TRUE(true); } } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( DifferentMoneroNetworks, BlockchainSetupTest, ::testing::Values( network_type::MAINNET, network_type::TESTNET, network_type::STAGENET)); class MICROCORE_TEST : public ::testing::Test { public: static void SetUpTestCase() { string config_path {"../config/config.json"}; config_json = xmreg::BlockchainSetup::read_config(config_path); } protected: virtual void SetUp() { bc_setup = xmreg::BlockchainSetup{net_type, do_not_relay, config_json}; } network_type net_type {network_type::STAGENET}; bool do_not_relay {false}; xmreg::BlockchainSetup bc_setup; static json config_json; }; json MICROCORE_TEST::config_json; TEST_F(MICROCORE_TEST, DefaultConstruction) { xmreg::MicroCore mcore; EXPECT_TRUE(true); } TEST_F(MICROCORE_TEST, InitializationSuccess) { xmreg::MicroCore mcore; EXPECT_TRUE(mcore.init(bc_setup.blockchain_path, net_type)); EXPECT_TRUE(mcore.get_core().get_db().is_open()); EXPECT_TRUE(mcore.get_core().get_db().is_read_only()); } //template //class MockBlockchainDB : public BlockchainLMDB //{ // void // open(const std::string& filename, const int mdb_flags=0) override // { // if (open_success == false) // throw std::runtime_error("Cant open database"); // } // bool is_open() const // { // return false; // } //}; }