{ "daemon-url" : { "_comment" : "RPC urls to monero deamon", "mainnet" : "", "testnet" : "", "stagenet" : "" }, "blockchain-path" : { "_comment" : "if paths are empty, default Monero paths will be used", "mainnet" : "", "testnet" : "", "stagenet" : "", }, "database" : { "_comment" : "how should the backend connect to the mysql database", "url" : "", "port" : 3306, "dbname" : "openmonero", "user" : "root", "password" : "root" }, "database_test": { "_comment" : "how should the backend connect to the test mysql database", "url" : "", "port" : 3306, "dbname" : "openmonero_test", "user" : "root", "password" : "root" }, "wallet_import" : { "_comment": "if fee is 0, then importing is free. fee is in base 1e12, e.g., 0.1 xmr is 0.1 x 1e12 = 100000000000", "fee" : 0, "testnet" : { "address" : "9tzmPMTViHYM3z6NAgQni1Qm1Emzxy5hQFibPgWD3LVTAz91yok5Eni1pH6zKhBHzpTU15GZooPHSGHXFvFuXEdmEG2sWAZ", "viewkey" : "ae6184287ca791609844f140b8502ccfa2223c04c8699cf31fcd0af1f1d0be08" }, "mainnet" : { "_comment": "these are official monero project donation address and viewkey. change it to yours", "address" : "44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A", "viewkey" : "f359631075708155cc3d92a32b75a7d02a5dcf27756707b47a2b31b21c389501" }, "stagenet" : { "address" : "53mqDDKtVkib8inMa41HuNJG4tj9CcaNKGr6EVSbvhWGJdpDQCiNNYBUNF1oDb8BczU5aD68d3HNKXaEsPq8cvbQE2FBkTS", "viewkey" : "53c5850e895122574c53a4f952c726be3fe22bcd2b08f4bfed8946d887cc950b" } }, "refresh_block_status_every_seconds" : 10, "blocks_search_lookahead" : 200, "search_thread_life_in_seconds" : 120, "max_number_of_blocks_to_import" : 132000, "mysql_ping_every_seconds" : 200, "_comment": "if the threadpool_size (no of threads) below is 0, its size is automaticly set based on your cpu. If its not 0, the value specified is used instead", "blockchain_treadpool_size" : 1, "ssl" : { "enable" : false, "_comment": "below are example paths to crt and key files need to be given", "ssl-key": "file:///tmp/server.key", "ssl-crt": "file:///tmp/server.crt", "dh-pem" : "file:///tmp/dh2048.pem" } }