Docker instructions added

moneroexamples 6 years ago
parent ff950cf347
commit a9468901b1

@ -126,29 +126,39 @@ cmake ..
#### Mysql/Mariadb
#### MariaDB/MySQL (using docker)
The easiest way to setup MariaDB is through [docker]( (assuming that you have docker setup and running)
Create mariadb container called `ommariadb` and root password of `root` (change these how you want).
sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo mysql_secure_installation
docker run --name ommariadb -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d mariadb
Download `openmonero.sql` provided and setup the `openmonero` database. `openmonero.sql` script will
drop current `openmonero` if exist. So don't run it, if you have already some important information
in the `openmonero` database.
Create openmonero database called `openmonero`.
Assuming we are still in `build` folder:
cd openmonero/sql
docker exec -i ommariadb mysql -uroot -proot < openmonero.sql
# apply it to mysql
mysql -p -u root < ../sql/openmonero.sql
#### PhpMyAdmin (using docker)
A good way to manage/view the openmonero database is through the
[PhpMyAdmin in docker]( Using docker,
this can be done:
docker run --name myadmin -d --link ommariadb:db -p 8080:80 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
#### Nginx
where `ommariadb` is the name of docker container with mariadb, set in previous step.
#### Nginx (using docker)
The fastest way to start up and server the frontend is through
using [nginx docker image](
(assuming that you have docker setup and running).
[nginx docker image](
docker run --name omhtml -p 80:80 -v /home/mwo/openmonero/html:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d nginx
@ -160,16 +170,6 @@ frontend files are stored. All these can be changed to suit your requirements.
Go to localhost ( and check if frontend is working.
A quick alternative is to run python 3 http server:
cd ~/openmonero/html
python3 -m http.server
and check
#### Run OpenMonero
Command line options
