You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1949 lines
64 KiB

// Created by mwo on 8/01/17.
#include "YourMoneroRequests.h"
#include "ssqlses.h"
#include "OutputInputIdentification.h"
namespace xmreg
handel_::handel_(const fetch_func_t& callback):
request_callback {callback}
handel_::operator()(const shared_ptr< Session > session)
const auto request = session->get_request( );
size_t content_length = request->get_header( "Content-Length", 0);
session->fetch(content_length, this->request_callback);
shared_ptr<MySqlAccounts> _acc,
shared_ptr<CurrentBlockchainStatus> _current_bc_status):
xmr_accounts {_acc}, current_bc_status {_current_bc_status}
YourMoneroRequests::login(const shared_ptr<Session> session, const Bytes & body)
json j_response;
json j_request;
vector<string> required_values {"address", "view_key"};
if (!parse_request(body, required_values, j_request, j_response))
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
string xmr_address;
string view_key;
xmr_address = j_request["address"];
view_key = j_request["view_key"];
catch (json::exception const& e)
cerr << "json exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
// a placeholder for exciting or new account data
XmrAccount acc;
uint64_t acc_id {0};
// marks if this is new account creation or not
bool new_account_created {false};
// first check if new account
// select this account if its existing one
if (!xmr_accounts->select(xmr_address, acc))
// account does not exist, so create new one
// for this address
uint64_t current_blockchain_height = get_current_blockchain_height();
// initialize current blockchain timestamp with current time
// in a moment we will try to get last block timestamp
// to replace this value. But if it fails, we just use current
// timestamp
uint64_t current_blockchain_timestamp = std::time(nullptr);
// get last block so we have its timestamp when
// createing the account
block last_blk;
if (current_bc_status->get_block(current_blockchain_height, last_blk))
current_blockchain_timestamp = last_blk.timestamp;
DateTime blk_timestamp_mysql_format
= XmrTransaction::timestamp_to_DateTime(
// create new account
XmrAccount new_account(
current_blockchain_height, /* for scanned_block_height */
// insert the new account into the mysql
if ((acc_id = xmr_accounts->insert(new_account)) == 0)
// if creating account failed
j_response = json {{"status", "error"},
{"reason", "Account creation failed"}};
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
// set this flag to indicate that we have just created a
// new account in mysql. this information is sent to front-end
// as it can disply some greeting window to new users upon
// their first install
new_account_created = true;
} // if (!xmr_accounts->select(xmr_address, acc))
// so by now new account has been created or it already exists
// so we just login into it.
if (login_and_start_search_thread(xmr_address, view_key, acc, j_response))
// if successfuly logged in and created search thread
j_response["status"] = "success";
// we overwrite what ever was sent in login_and_start_search_thread
// for the j_response["new_address"].
j_response["new_address"] = new_account_created;
// some error with loggin in or search thread start
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
} // else if (login_and_start_search_thread(xmr_address,
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body)
json j_response;
json j_request;
7 years ago
vector<string> requested_values {"address", "view_key"};
if (!parse_request(body, requested_values, j_request, j_response))
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
string xmr_address;
string view_key;
xmr_address = j_request["address"];
view_key = j_request["view_key"];
catch (json::exception const& e)
cerr << "json exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
// make hash of the submited viewkey. we only store
// hash of viewkey in database, not acctual viewkey.
string viewkey_hash = make_hash(view_key);
// initialize json response
j_response = json {
{"total_received" , 0}, // calculated in this function
{"total_received_unlocked", 0}, // calculated in this function
{"scanned_height" , 0}, // not used. just to match mymonero
{"scanned_block_height" , 0}, // taken from Accounts table
{"scanned_block_timestamp", 0}, // taken from Accounts table
{"start_height" , 0}, // blockchain height whencreated
{"blockchain_height" , 0}, // current blockchain height
{"transactions" , json::array()}
// a placeholder for exciting or new account data
xmreg::XmrAccount acc;
// for this to continue, search thread must have already been
// created and still exisits.
// if (current_bc_status->search_thread_exist(xmr_address))
// {
if (login_and_start_search_thread(xmr_address, view_key, acc, j_response))
// populate acc and check view_key
// if (!login_and_start_search_thread(xmr_address, view_key, acc, j_response))
// {
// // some error with loggin in or search thread start
// session_close(session, j_response.dump());
// return;
// }
// before fetching txs, check if provided view key
// is correct. this is simply to ensure that
// we cant fetch an account's txs using only address.
// knowlage of the viewkey is also needed.
uint64_t total_received {0};
uint64_t total_received_unlocked {0};
j_response["total_received"] = total_received;
j_response["start_height"] = acc.start_height;
j_response["scanned_block_height"] = acc.scanned_block_height;
j_response["scanned_block_timestamp"] = static_cast<uint64_t>(
j_response["blockchain_height"] = get_current_blockchain_height();
vector<XmrTransaction> txs;
xmr_accounts->select(, txs);
if (xmr_accounts->select_txs_for_account_spendability_check(, txs))
json j_txs = json::array();
for (XmrTransaction const& tx: txs)
7 years ago
json j_tx {
{"id" , tx.blockchain_tx_id},
{"coinbase" , bool {tx.coinbase}},
{"tx_pub_key" , tx.tx_pub_key},
{"hash" , tx.hash},
{"height" , tx.height},
{"mixin" , tx.mixin},
{"payment_id" , tx.payment_id},
{"unlock_time" , tx.unlock_time},
{"total_sent" , 0}, // to be field when checking for spent_outputs below
{"total_received" , tx.total_received},
{"timestamp" , static_cast<uint64_t>(tx.timestamp)*1000},
{"mempool" , false} // tx in database are never from mempool
7 years ago
vector<XmrInput> inputs;
if (xmr_accounts->select_for_tx(, inputs))
json j_spent_outputs = json::array();
uint64_t total_spent {0};
for (XmrInput input: inputs)
XmrOutput out;
if (xmr_accounts->select_by_primary_id(
input.output_id, out))
total_spent += input.amount;
{"amount" , input.amount},
{"key_image" , input.key_image},
{"tx_pub_key" , out.tx_pub_key},
{"out_index" , out.out_index},
{"mixin" , out.mixin}});
j_tx["total_sent"] = total_spent;
j_tx["spent_outputs"] = j_spent_outputs;
} // if (xmr_accounts->select_inputs_for_tx(, inputs))
total_received += tx.total_received;
if (bool {tx.spendable})
total_received_unlocked += tx.total_received;
} // for (XmrTransaction tx: txs)
j_response["total_received"] = total_received;
j_response["total_received_unlocked"] = total_received_unlocked;
j_response["transactions"] = j_txs;
} // if (xmr_accounts->select_txs_for_ac
} // if (current_bc_status->search_thread_exist(xmr_address))
j_response = json {{"status", "error"},
{"reason", "Search thread does not exist."}};
// some error with loggin in or search thread start
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
// append txs found in mempool to the json returned
json j_mempool_tx;
if (current_bc_status->find_txs_in_mempool(
xmr_address, j_mempool_tx))
uint64_t total_received_mempool {0};
uint64_t total_sent_mempool {0};
// get last tx id (i.e., index) so that we can
// set some ids for the mempool txs. These ids are
// used for sorting in the frontend. Since we want mempool
// tx to be first, they need to be higher than last_tx_id_db
uint64_t last_tx_id_db {0};
if (!j_response["transactions"].empty())
last_tx_id_db = j_response["transactions"].back()["id"];
for (json& j_tx: j_mempool_tx)
//cout << "mempool j_tx[\"total_received\"]: "
// << j_tx["total_received"] << endl;
j_tx["id"] = ++last_tx_id_db;
total_received_mempool += j_tx["total_received"].get<uint64_t>();
total_sent_mempool += j_tx["total_sent"].get<uint64_t>();
= j_response["total_received"].get<uint64_t>()
+ total_received_mempool;
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers = make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close(OK, response_body, response_headers);
const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body)
json j_response;
json j_request;
vector<string> requested_values {"address" , "view_key"};
if (!parse_request(body, requested_values, j_request, j_response))
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
string xmr_address;
string view_key;
xmr_address = j_request["address"];
view_key = j_request["view_key"];
catch (json::exception const& e)
cerr << "json exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
// make hash of the submited viewkey. we only store
// hash of viewkey in database, not acctual viewkey.
string viewkey_hash = make_hash(view_key);
j_response = json {
{"locked_funds" , 0}, // locked xmr (e.g., younger than 10 blocks)
{"total_received" , 0}, // calculated in this function
{"total_sent" , 0}, // calculated in this function
{"scanned_height" , 0}, // not used. it is here to match mymonero
{"scanned_block_height" , 0}, // taken from Accounts table
{"scanned_block_timestamp", 0}, // taken from Accounts table
{"start_height" , 0}, // not used, but available in Accounts table.
// it is here to match mymonero
{"blockchain_height" , 0}, // current blockchain height
{"spent_outputs" , nullptr} // list of spent outputs that we think
// user has spent. client side will
// filter out false positives since
// only client has spent key
// a placeholder for exciting or new account data
xmreg::XmrAccount acc;
// for this to continue, search thread must have already been
// created and still exisits.
if (login_and_start_search_thread(xmr_address, view_key, acc, j_response))
uint64_t total_received {0};
// ping the search thread that we still need it.
// otherwise it will finish after some time.
uint64_t current_searched_blk_no {0};
if (current_bc_status->get_searched_blk_no(
xmr_address, current_searched_blk_no))
// if current_searched_blk_no is higher than what is in mysql, update it
// in the search thread. This may occure when manually editing scanned_block_height
// in Accounts table to import txs or rescan txs.
// we use the minumum difference of 10 blocks, for this update to happen
if (current_searched_blk_no > acc.scanned_block_height + 10)
xmr_address, acc.scanned_block_height);
j_response["total_received"] = total_received;
j_response["start_height"] = acc.start_height;
j_response["scanned_block_height"] = acc.scanned_block_height;
= static_cast<uint64_t>(acc.scanned_block_timestamp);
j_response["blockchain_height"] = get_current_blockchain_height();
uint64_t total_sent {0};
vector<XmrTransaction> txs;
// get all txs of for the account
xmr_accounts->select(, txs);
// now, filter out or updated transactions from txs vector that no
// longer exisit in the recent blocks. Update is done to check for their
// spendability status.
if (xmr_accounts->select_txs_for_account_spendability_check(, txs))
json j_spent_outputs = json::array();
for (XmrTransaction tx: txs)
vector<XmrOutput> outs;
if (xmr_accounts->select_for_tx(, outs))
for (XmrOutput &out: outs)
// check if the output, has been spend
vector<XmrInput> ins;
if (xmr_accounts->select_inputs_for_out(, ins))
for (XmrInput& in: ins)
{"amount" , in.amount},
{"key_image" , in.key_image},
{"tx_pub_key" , out.tx_pub_key},
{"out_index" , out.out_index},
{"mixin" , out.mixin},
total_sent += in.amount;
total_received += out.amount;
} // for (XmrOutput &out: outs)
} // if (xmr_accounts->select_outputs_for_tx(, outs))
} // for (XmrTransaction tx: txs)
j_response["total_received"] = total_received;
j_response["total_sent"] = total_sent;
j_response["spent_outputs"] = j_spent_outputs;
} // if (xmr_accounts->select_txs_for_account_spendability_check(, txs))
} // if (current_bc_status->search_thread_exist(xmr_address))
j_response = json {{"status", "error"},
{"reason", "Search thread does not exist."}};
// some error with loggin in or search thread start
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers = make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
const shared_ptr< Session > session,
const Bytes & body)
json j_response;
json j_request;
vector<string> requested_values {"address" , "view_key", "mixin",
"use_dust", "dust_threshold", "amount"};
if (!parse_request(body, requested_values, j_request, j_response))
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
string xmr_address;
string view_key;
uint64_t mixin {4};
bool use_dust {false};
uint64_t dust_threshold {1000000000};
uint64_t amount {0};
xmr_address = j_request["address"];
view_key = j_request["view_key"];
mixin = j_request["mixin"];
use_dust = j_request["use_dust"];
dust_threshold = boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(
amount = boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(
catch (json::exception const& e)
cerr << "json exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast const& e)
cerr << "Bed lexical cast" << e.what() << '\n';
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
// make hash of the submited viewkey. we only store
// hash of viewkey in database, not acctual viewkey.
string viewkey_hash = make_hash(view_key);
j_response = json {
{"amount" , 0}, // total value of the outputs
{"outputs", json::array()} // list of outputs
// exclude those without require
// no of confirmation
// a placeholder for exciting or new account data
xmreg::XmrAccount acc;
// select this account if its existing one
// for this to continue, search thread must have already been
// created and still exisits.
if (current_bc_status->search_thread_exist(xmr_address))
// populate acc and check view_key
if (!login_and_start_search_thread(xmr_address, view_key, acc, j_response))
// some error with loggin in or search thread start
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
uint64_t total_outputs_amount {0};
// uint64_t current_blockchain_height
// = current_bc_status->get_current_blockchain_height();
vector<XmrTransaction> txs;
// retrieve txs from mysql associated with the given address
if (xmr_accounts->select(, txs))
// we found some txs.
json& j_outputs = j_response["outputs"];
for (XmrTransaction& tx: txs)
// we skip over locked outputs
// as they cant be spent anyway.
// thus no reason to return them to the frontend
// for constructing a tx.
if (!current_bc_status->is_tx_unlocked(
tx.unlock_time, tx.height))
// if (!bool {tx.coinbase})
// {
// continue;
// }
vector<XmrOutput> outs;
if (xmr_accounts->select_for_tx(, outs))
for (XmrOutput &out: outs)
// skip outputs considered as dust
if (out.amount < dust_threshold)
// need to check for rct commintment
// coinbase ringct txs dont have
// rct filed in them. Thus
// we need to make them.
uint64_t global_amount_index = out.global_index;
string rct = out.get_rct();
// coinbaser rct txs require speciall treatment
if (tx.coinbase && tx.is_rct)
uint64_t amount = (tx.is_rct ? 0 : out.amount);
output_data_t od =
amount, global_amount_index);
string rtc_outpk = pod_to_hex(od.commitment);
string rtc_mask = pod_to_hex(rct::identity());
string rtc_amount(64, '0');
rct = rtc_outpk + rtc_mask + rtc_amount;
json j_out{
{"amount" , out.amount},
{"public_key" , out.out_pub_key},
{"index" , out.out_index},
{"global_index" , out.global_index},
{"rct" , rct},
{"tx_id" , out.tx_id},
{"tx_hash" , tx.hash},
{"tx_prefix_hash" , tx.prefix_hash},
{"tx_pub_key" , tx.tx_pub_key},
{"timestamp" , static_cast<uint64_t>(
{"height" , tx.height},
{"spend_key_images", json::array()}
vector<XmrInput> ins;
if (xmr_accounts->select_inputs_for_out(, ins))
json& j_ins = j_out["spend_key_images"];
for (XmrInput& in: ins)
total_outputs_amount += out.amount;
} //for (XmrOutput &out: outs)
} // if (xmr_accounts->select_outputs_for_tx(, outs))
} // for (XmrTransaction& tx: txs)
} // if (xmr_accounts->select_txs(, txs))
j_response["amount"] = total_outputs_amount;
// need proper per_kb_fee estimate as
// it is already using dynanamic fees. frontend
// uses old fixed fees.
j_response["per_kb_fee"] = current_bc_status
} // if (current_bc_status->search_thread_exist(xmr_address))
j_response = json {{"status", "error"},
{"reason", "Search thread does not exist."}};
// some error with loggin in or search thread start
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers = make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body)
json j_request;
json j_response;
vector<string> requested_values;
if (!parse_request(body, requested_values, j_request, j_response))
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
uint64_t count;
count = j_request["count"];
catch (json::exception const& e)
cerr << "json exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
if (count > 41)
cerr << "Request ring size too big" << '\n';
j_response["status"] = "error";
j_response["error"] = fmt::format("Request ring size {:d} too large",
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
vector<uint64_t> amounts;
// populate amounts vector so that we can pass it directly to
// daeamon to get random outputs for these amounts
for (json amount: j_request["amounts"])
catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast& e)
cerr << "Bed lexical cast" << '\n';
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
vector<RandomOutputs::outs_for_amount> found_outputs;
if (current_bc_status->get_random_outputs(amounts, count, found_outputs))
json& j_amount_outs = j_response["amount_outs"];
for (const auto& outs: found_outputs)
json j_outs {{"amount", outs.amount},
{"outputs", json::array()}};
json& j_outputs = j_outs["outputs"];
for (auto const& out: outs.outs)
tuple<string, string, string>
rct_field = current_bc_status
out.global_amount_index, outs.amount);
string rct = std::get<0>(rct_field) // rct_pk
+ std::get<1>(rct_field) // rct_mask
+ std::get<2>(rct_field); // rct_amount
json out_details {
{"global_index", out.global_amount_index},
{"public_key" , pod_to_hex(out.out_key)},
{"rct" , rct}
} // if (current_bc_status->get_random_outputs(amounts,
j_response["status"] = "error";
j_response["error"] = fmt::format("Error getting random "
"outputs from monero deamon");
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers = make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body)
json j_request = body_to_json(body);
string raw_tx_blob = j_request["tx"];
json j_response;
string error_msg;
// before we submit the tx into the deamon, we are going to do a few checks.
// first, we parse the hexbuffer submmited by the frontend into
// binary buffer block
// second, we are going to check if we can construct
// valid transaction object
// fromt that binary buffer.
// third, we are going to check if any key image in this tx is
// in any of the txs
// in the mempool. This allows us to make a clear comment that the tx
// uses outputs just spend. This happens we a users submits few txs,
// one after another
// before previous txs get included in a block and are still
// present in the mempool.
std::string tx_blob;
if(!epee::string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(raw_tx_blob, tx_blob))
j_response["status"] = "error";
j_response["error"] = "Tx faild parse_hexstr_to_binbuff";
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
transaction tx_to_be_submitted;
if (!parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(tx_blob, tx_to_be_submitted))
j_response["status"] = "error";
j_response["error"] = "Tx faild parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob";
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
if (current_bc_status->find_key_images_in_mempool(tx_to_be_submitted))
j_response["status"] = "error";
j_response["error"] = "Tx uses your outputs that area already "
"in the mempool. "
"Please wait till your previous tx(s) "
"get mined";
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
if (!current_bc_status->commit_tx(
raw_tx_blob, error_msg,
j_response["status"] = "error";
j_response["error"] = error_msg;
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
j_response["status"] = "success";
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers = make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body)
json j_request = body_to_json(body);
string xmr_address = j_request["address"];
json j_response;
j_response["request_fulfilled"] = false;
j_response["import_fee"] = current_bc_status->get_bc_setup()
j_response["status"] = "error";
j_response["error"] = "Some error occured";
// if current_bc_status-> is zero, we just import the wallet.
// we dont care about any databases or anything, as importin all
// wallet is free.
// just reset the scanned block height in mysql and finish.
if (current_bc_status->get_bc_setup().import_fee == 0)
// change search blk number in the search thread
if (!current_bc_status->set_new_searched_blk_no(xmr_address, 0))
cerr << "Updating searched_blk_no failed!" << endl;
j_response["error"] = "Updating searched_blk_no failed!";
j_response["request_fulfilled"] = true;
j_response["status"] = "Import will start shortly";
j_response["new_request"] = true;
j_response["error"] = "";
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers
= make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
XmrAccount acc;
if (!xmr_accounts->select(xmr_address, acc))
cerr << "xmr_address does not exists! " << endl;
j_response["error"] = "The account does not exists!";
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers
= make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
// a placeholder for existing or new payment data
vector<XmrPayment> xmr_payments;
// select this payment if its existing one
if (xmr_accounts->select(, xmr_payments))
// payment record exists, so now we need to check if
// actually payment has been done, and updated
// mysql record accordingly.
if (xmr_payments.size() > 1)
cerr << "More than one payment record found! " << endl;
j_response["error"] = "TMore than one payment record found!";
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers
= make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
XmrPayment& xmr_payment = xmr_payments[0];
bool request_fulfilled = bool {xmr_payment.request_fulfilled};
string integrated_address =
j_response["payment_id"] = xmr_payment.payment_id;
j_response["import_fee"] = xmr_payment.import_fee;
j_response["new_request"] = false;
j_response["request_fulfilled"] = request_fulfilled;
j_response["payment_address"] = integrated_address;
j_response["status"] = "Payment not yet received";
string tx_hash_with_payment;
// if payment has not yet been done
if (!request_fulfilled)
// check if it has just been done now
// if yes, mark it in mysql
XmrPayment updated_xmr_payment = xmr_payment;
// updated values
updated_xmr_payment.request_fulfilled = true;
updated_xmr_payment.tx_hash = tx_hash_with_payment;
// save to mysql
if (xmr_accounts->update(xmr_payment, updated_xmr_payment))
// set scanned_block_height to 0 to begin
// scanning entire blockchain
XmrAccount acc;
if (xmr_accounts->select(xmr_address, acc))
XmrAccount updated_acc = acc;
updated_acc.scanned_block_height = 0;
if (xmr_accounts->update(acc, updated_acc))
// if success, set acc to updated_acc;
request_fulfilled = true;
// change search blk number in the search thread
if (!current_bc_status
->set_new_searched_blk_no(xmr_address, 0))
cerr << "Updating searched_blk_no failed!\n";
j_response["error"] = "Updating searched_blk_no"
" failed!";
= request_fulfilled;
= "Payment received. Thank you.";
j_response["new_request"] = true;
j_response["error"] = "";
cerr << "Updating accounts due to made "
"payment mysql failed! " << endl;
= "Updating accounts due to made "
"payment mysql failed!";
cerr << "Updating payment mysql failed! " << endl;
j_response["error"] = "Updating payment mysql failed!";
} // if(current_bc_status->search_if_payment_made(
} // if (!request_fulfilled)
// if payment has been made, and we get new request to import txs
// indicate that this is new requeest, but request was fulfiled.
// front end should give proper message in this case
j_response["request_fulfilled"] = request_fulfilled;
j_response["status"] = "Wallet already imported or "
"in the progress.";
j_response["new_request"] = false;
j_response["error"] = "";
} // if (xmr_accounts->select_payment_by_address(xmr_address, xmr_payment))
// payment request is new, so create its entry in
// Payments table
uint64_t payment_table_id {0};
crypto::hash8 random_payment_id8 = crypto::rand<crypto::hash8>();
string integrated_address =
XmrPayment xmr_payment; = mysqlpp::null;
xmr_payment.account_id =;
xmr_payment.payment_id = pod_to_hex(random_payment_id8);
xmr_payment.import_fee = current_bc_status
->get_bc_setup().import_fee; // xmr
xmr_payment.request_fulfilled = false;
xmr_payment.tx_hash = ""; // no tx_hash yet with the payment
xmr_payment.payment_address = integrated_address;
if ((payment_table_id = xmr_accounts->insert(xmr_payment)) != 0)
// payment entry created
j_response["payment_id"] = payment_table_id;
j_response["import_fee"] = xmr_payment.import_fee;
j_response["new_request"] = true;
= bool {xmr_payment.request_fulfilled};
j_response["payment_address"] = xmr_payment.payment_address;
j_response["status"] = "Payment not yet received";
j_response["error"] = "";
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers = make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body)
json j_response;
json j_request;
bool request_fulfilled {false};
j_response["request_fulfilled"] = false;
vector<string> requested_values {"address" , "view_key",
if (!parse_request(body, requested_values, j_request, j_response))
j_response["Error"] = "Cant parse json body";
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
string xmr_address;
string view_key;
xmr_address = j_request["address"];
view_key = j_request["view_key"];
catch (json::exception const& e)
cerr << "json exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
uint64_t no_blocks_to_import {1000};
= boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(
catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast& e)
string msg = "Cant parse "
+ j_request["no_blocks_to_import"].get<string>()
+ " into number";
cerr << msg << '\n';
j_response["Error"] = msg;
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
// make sure that we dont import more that the maximum alowed no of blocks
no_blocks_to_import = std::min(no_blocks_to_import,
= std::min(no_blocks_to_import,
XmrAccount acc;
if (xmr_accounts->select(xmr_address, acc))
XmrAccount updated_acc = acc;
// make sure scanned_block_height is larger than
// no_blocks_to_import so we dont
// end up with overflowing uint64_t.
if (updated_acc.scanned_block_height >= no_blocks_to_import)
// repetead calls to import_recent_wallet_request will be
// moving the scanning backward.
// not sure yet if any protection is needed to
// make sure that a user does not
// go back too much back by importing his/hers
// wallet multiple times in a row.
= updated_acc.scanned_block_height - no_blocks_to_import;
if (xmr_accounts->update(acc, updated_acc))
// change search blk number in the search thread
if (!current_bc_status
cerr << "Updating searched_blk_no failed!" << endl;
j_response["Error"] = "Updating searched_blk_no failed!";
// if success, makre that request was successful;
request_fulfilled = true;
} // if (updated_acc.scanned_block_height > no_blocks_to_import)
cerr << "Updating account with new scanned_block_height failed!\n";
= "Updating account with new scanned_block_height failed!";
if (request_fulfilled)
j_response["request_fulfilled"] = request_fulfilled;
j_response["status"] = "Updating account with for"
" importing recent txs successeful.";
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers = make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
7 years ago
const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body)
7 years ago
json j_response;
json j_request;
7 years ago
vector<string> requested_values {"address" , "view_key", "tx_hash"};
if (!parse_request(body, requested_values, j_request, j_response))
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
7 years ago
string xmr_address;
string view_key;
string tx_hash_str;
7 years ago
xmr_address = j_request["address"];
view_key = j_request["view_key"];
tx_hash_str = j_request["tx_hash"];
catch (json::exception const& e)
cerr << "json exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
7 years ago
j_response["status"] = "error";
j_response["error"] = "Some error occured";
crypto::hash tx_hash;
if (!hex_to_pod(tx_hash_str, tx_hash))
cerr << "Cant parse tx hash! : " << tx_hash_str << '\n';
j_response["status"] = "Cant parse tx hash! : " + tx_hash_str;
session_close(session, j_response.dump());
transaction tx;
uint64_t default_timestamp {0};
7 years ago
bool tx_found {false};
bool tx_in_mempool {false};
if (!current_bc_status->get_tx(tx_hash, tx))
7 years ago
// if tx not found in the blockchain, check if its in mempool
vector<pair<uint64_t, transaction>> mempool_txs =
7 years ago
//cout << "serach mempool" << endl;
7 years ago
for (auto const& mtx: mempool_txs)
//cout << (get_transaction_hash(mtx.second)) << '\n';
7 years ago
if (get_transaction_hash(mtx.second) == tx_hash)
tx = mtx.second;
tx_found = true;
tx_in_mempool = true;
default_timestamp = mtx.first;
7 years ago
tx_found = true;
if (tx_found)
crypto::hash tx_hash = get_transaction_hash(tx);
// return tx hash. can be used to check if we acctually
// delivered the tx that was requested
j_response["tx_hash"] = pod_to_hex(tx_hash);
j_response["pub_key"] = pod_to_hex(
7 years ago
bool coinbase = is_coinbase(tx);
j_response["coinbase"] = coinbase;
// key images of inputs
vector<txin_to_key> input_key_imgs;
// public keys and xmr amount of outputs
vector<pair<txout_to_key, uint64_t>> output_pub_keys;
uint64_t xmr_inputs;
uint64_t xmr_outputs;
uint64_t num_nonrct_inputs;
uint64_t fee {0};
7 years ago
uint64_t mixin_no;
uint64_t size;
// sum xmr in inputs and ouputs in the given tx
array<uint64_t, 4> const& sum_data = xmreg::summary_of_in_out_rct(
tx, output_pub_keys, input_key_imgs);
xmr_outputs = sum_data[0];
xmr_inputs = sum_data[1];
mixin_no = sum_data[2];
num_nonrct_inputs = sum_data[3];
j_response["xmr_outputs"] = xmr_outputs;
j_response["xmr_inputs"] = xmr_inputs;
j_response["mixin_no"] = mixin_no;
j_response["num_of_outputs"] = output_pub_keys.size();
j_response["num_of_inputs"] = input_key_imgs.size();
7 years ago
if (!coinbase && > 0)
// check if not miner tx
// i.e., for blocks without any user transactions
if ( != typeid(txin_gen))
// get tx fee
fee = get_tx_fee(tx);
j_response["fee"] = fee;
// get tx size in bytes
size = get_object_blobsize(tx);
j_response["size"] = size;
// to be field later on using data from OutputInputIdentification
j_response["total_sent"] = 0;
j_response["total_received"] = 0;
7 years ago
int64_t tx_height {-1};
int64_t no_confirmations {-1};
if (current_bc_status->get_tx_block_height(tx_hash, tx_height))
7 years ago
// get the current blockchain height. Just to check
uint64_t bc_height = get_current_blockchain_height();
no_confirmations = bc_height - tx_height;
// Class that is responsible for identification of our outputs
// and inputs in a given tx.
j_response["payment_id"] = string {};
j_response["timestamp"] = default_timestamp;
address_parse_info address_info;
secret_key viewkey;
// to get info about recived xmr in this tx, we calculate it from
// scrach, i.e., search for outputs. We could get this info
// directly from the database, but doing it again here, is a good way
// to double check tx data in the frontend, and also maybe try doing
// it differently than before. Its not great, since we reinvent
// the wheel
// but its worth double checking
// the mysql data, and also allows for new
// implementation in the frontend.
if (current_bc_status->get_xmr_address_viewkey(
xmr_address, address_info, viewkey))
OutputInputIdentification oi_identification {
&address_info, &viewkey, &tx, tx_hash,
coinbase, current_bc_status};
uint64_t total_received {0};
// we just get total amount recieved. we have viewkey,
// so this must be correct and front end does not
// need to do anything to check this.
for (auto& out_info: oi_identification.identified_outputs)
total_received += out_info.amount;
j_response["total_received"] = total_received;
json j_spent_outputs = json::array();
// to get spendings, we need to have our key_images. but
// the backend does not have spendkey, so it cant determine
// which key images are really ours or not. this is the task
// for the frontend. however, backend can only provide guesses and
// nessessery data to the frontend to filter out incorrect
// guesses.
// for input identification, we will use our mysql. its just much
// faster to use it here, than before. but first we need to
// get account id of the user asking for tx details.
// a placeholder for exciting or new account data
XmrAccount acc;
// select this account if its existing one
if (xmr_accounts->select(xmr_address, acc))
// if user exist, get tx data from database
// this will work only for tx in the blockchain,
// not those in the mempool.
if (!tx_in_mempool)
// if not in mempool, but in blockchain, just
// get data aout key images from the mysql
XmrTransaction xmr_tx;
if (xmr_accounts->tx_exists(, tx_hash_str, xmr_tx))
j_response["payment_id"] = xmr_tx.payment_id;
= static_cast<uint64_t>(xmr_tx.timestamp);
vector<XmrInput> inputs;
if (xmr_accounts->select_for_tx(, inputs))
json j_spent_outputs = json::array();
uint64_t total_spent {0};
for (XmrInput input: inputs)
XmrOutput out;
if (xmr_accounts
input.output_id, out))
total_spent += input.amount;
{"amount" , input.amount},
{"key_image" , input.key_image},
{"tx_pub_key" , out.tx_pub_key},
{"out_index" , out.out_index},
{"mixin" , out.mixin}});
} // for (XmrInput input: inputs)
j_response["total_sent"] = total_spent;
j_response["spent_outputs"] = j_spent_outputs;
} // if (xmr_accounts->select_inputs_
} // if (xmr_accounts->tx_exists(
} // if (!tx_in_mempool)
// if tx in mempool, mysql will not have this tx, so
// we cant pull info about key images from mysql for this tx.
// we have to redo this info from basically from scrach.
unordered_map<public_key, uint64_t> known_outputs_keys;
if (current_bc_status->get_known_outputs_keys(
xmr_address, known_outputs_keys))
// we got known_outputs_keys from the search thread.
// so now we can use OutputInputIdentification to
// get info about inputs.
// Class that is resposnible for idenficitaction
// of our outputs
// and inputs in a given tx.
OutputInputIdentification oi_identification
{&address_info, &viewkey, &tx, tx_hash,
coinbase, current_bc_status};
// no need mutex here, as this will be exectued only
// after the above. there is no threads here.
json j_spent_outputs = json::array();
uint64_t total_spent {0};
for (auto& in_info: oi_identification.identified_inputs)
// need to get output info from mysql, as we need
// to know output's amount, its orginal
// tx public key and its index in that tx
XmrOutput out;
string out_pub_key
= pod_to_hex(in_info.out_pub_key);
if (xmr_accounts->output_exists(out_pub_key, out))
total_spent += out.amount;
{"amount" , in_info.amount},
{"key_image" , in_info.key_img},
{"tx_pub_key" , out.tx_pub_key},
{"out_index" , out.out_index},
{"mixin" , out.mixin}});
} // for (auto& in_info: oi_identification
j_response["total_sent"] = total_spent;
j_response["spent_outputs"] = j_spent_outputs;
} //if (current_bc_status->get_known_outputs_keys(
// xmr_address, known_outputs_keys))
} // else
} // if (xmr_accounts->select(xmr_address, acc))
} // if (current_bc_status->get_xmr_add
7 years ago
j_response["tx_height"] = tx_height;
j_response["no_confirmations"] = no_confirmations;
j_response["status"] = "OK";
j_response["error"] = "";
cerr << "Cant get tx details for tx hash! : " << tx_hash_str << '\n';
j_response["status"] = "Cant get tx details for tx hash! : " + tx_hash_str;
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers = make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
7 years ago
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
const shared_ptr< Session > session,
const Bytes & body)
(void) body;
json j_response {
{"last_git_commit_hash", string {GIT_COMMIT_HASH}},
{"last_git_commit_date", string {GIT_COMMIT_DATETIME}},
{"git_branch_name" , string {GIT_BRANCH_NAME}},
{"monero_version_full" , string {MONERO_VERSION_FULL}},
{"testnet" , current_bc_status->get_bc_setup().net_type
== network_type::TESTNET},
{"network_type" , current_bc_status->get_bc_setup().net_type},
{"blockchain_height" , get_current_blockchain_height()}
string response_body = j_response.dump();
auto response_headers = make_headers({{ "Content-Length",
session->close( OK, response_body, response_headers);
function< void (YourMoneroRequests&, const shared_ptr< Session >,
const Bytes& ) > handle_func,
const string& path)
auto a_request = std::bind(handle_func, *this,
shared_ptr<Resource> resource_ptr = make_shared<Resource>();
resource_ptr->set_method_handler( "OPTIONS", generic_options_handler);
resource_ptr->set_method_handler( "POST" , handel_(a_request) );
return resource_ptr;
const shared_ptr< Session > session )
const auto request = session->get_request( );
size_t content_length = request->get_header( "Content-Length", 0);
[](const shared_ptr< Session > session,
const Bytes & body)
session->close( OK, string{}, make_headers());
multimap<string, string>
const multimap<string, string>& extra_headers)
multimap<string, string> headers {
{"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" , "*"},
{"Access-Control-Allow-Headers" , "Content-Type"},
{"Content-Type" , "application/json"}
headers.insert(extra_headers.begin(), extra_headers.end());
return headers;
YourMoneroRequests::print_json_log(const string& text, const json& j)
cout << text << '\n' << j.dump(4) << endl;
YourMoneroRequests::body_to_string(const Bytes & body)
return string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(, body.size());
YourMoneroRequests::body_to_json(const Bytes & body)
json j = json::parse(body_to_string(body));
return j;
return current_bc_status->get_current_blockchain_height();
const string& xmr_address,
const string& view_key,
XmrAccount& acc,
json& j_response)
// select this account if its existing one
if (xmr_accounts->select(xmr_address, acc))
// we got accunt from the database. we double check
// if hash of provided viewkey by the frontend, matches
// what we have in database.
// make hash of the submited viewkey. we only store
// hash of viewkey in database, not acctual viewkey.
string viewkey_hash = make_hash(view_key);
if (viewkey_hash == acc.viewkey_hash)
// if match, than save the viewkey in account object
// and proceed to checking if a search thread exisits
// for this account. if not, then create new thread
acc.viewkey = view_key;
// so we have an account now. Either existing or
// newly created. Thus, we can start a tread
// which will scan for transactions belonging to
// that account, using its address and view key.
// the thread will scan the blockchain for txs belonging
// to that account and updated mysql database whenever it
// will find something.
// The other client (i.e., a webbrowser) will query other
// functions to retrieve
// any belonging transactions in a loop.
// Thus the thread does not need
// to do anything except looking for tx and updating mysql
// with relative tx information
if (!current_bc_status->search_thread_exist(acc.address))
std::unique_ptr<TxSearch> tx_search;
= std::make_unique<TxSearch>(acc,
catch (std::exception const& e)
OMERROR << "TxSearch construction faild.";
j_response = json {{"status", "error"},
{"reason", "Failed to construct "
"TxSearch object"}};
return false;
if (current_bc_status->start_tx_search_thread(
acc, std::move(tx_search)))
j_response["status"] = "success";
j_response["new_address"] = false;
// thread has been started
// everything seems fine.
return true;
j_response["status"] = "success";
j_response["new_address"] = false;
// thread already exists
// everything seems fine.
return true;
j_response = json {{"status", "error"},
{"reason", "Failed created search "
"thread for this account"}};
j_response = json {{"status", "error"},
{"reason", "Viewkey provided is incorrect"}};
return false;
const shared_ptr< Session > session, string response_body)
auto response_headers = make_headers({{"Content-Length",
session->close(OK, response_body, response_headers);
const Bytes& body,
vector<string>& values_map,
json& j_request,
json& j_response)
j_request = body_to_json(body);
// parsing was successful
// now check if all required values are there.
for (const auto& v: values_map)
if (j_request.count(v) == 0)
cerr << v + " value not provided" << endl;
j_response["status"] = "error";
j_response["reason"] = v + " value not provided";
return false;
return true;
catch (std::exception& e)
cerr << "YourMoneroRequests::parse_request: " << e.what() << endl;
j_response["status"] = "error";
j_response["reason"] = "reqest json parsing failed";
return false;