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// Created by mwo on 8/01/17.
#include "TxSearch.h"
#include "db/MySqlAccounts.h"
#include "db/ssqlses.h"
#include "CurrentBlockchainStatus.h"
#include "src/UniversalIdentifier.hpp"
namespace xmreg
TxSearch::TxSearch(XmrAccount const& _acc,
std::shared_ptr<CurrentBlockchainStatus> _current_bc_status)
: current_bc_status {_current_bc_status}
acc = make_shared<XmrAccount>(_acc);
// creates an mysql connection for this thread
xmr_accounts = make_shared<MySqlAccounts>(current_bc_status);
network_type net_type = current_bc_status->get_bc_setup().net_type;
if (!xmreg::parse_str_address(acc->address, address, net_type))
OMERROR << "Cant parse address: " + acc->address;
throw TxSearchException("Cant parse address: " + acc->address);
if (!xmreg::parse_str_secret_key(acc->viewkey, viewkey))
OMERROR << "Cant parse private view key: " + acc->address;
throw TxSearchException("Cant parse private view key: "
+ acc->viewkey);
// start searching from last block that we searched for
// this accont
searched_blk_no = acc->scanned_block_height;
last_ping_timestamp = 0s;
address_prefix = acc->address.substr(0, 6);
seconds current_timestamp = get_current_timestamp();
last_ping_timestamp = current_timestamp;
uint64_t blocks_lookahead
= current_bc_status->get_bc_setup().blocks_search_lookahead;
auto current_bc_status_ptr = current_bc_status.get();
uint64_t account_id = acc->;
searching_is_ongoing = true;
MicroCoreAdapter mcore_addapter {current_bc_status_ptr};
// we put everything in massive catch, as there are plenty ways in which
// an exceptions can be thrown here. Mostly from mysql.
// but because this is detatch thread, we cant catch them in main thread.
// program will blow up if exception is thrown. need to handle exceptions
// here.
seconds loop_timestamp {current_timestamp};
uint64_t last_block_height = current_bc_status->current_height;
uint64_t h1 = searched_blk_no;
uint64_t h2 = std::min(h1 + blocks_lookahead - 1, last_block_height);
vector<block> blocks;
blocks = current_bc_status->get_blocks_range(h1, h2);
if (blocks.empty())
if (h1 <= h2)
OMERROR << address_prefix << ": cant get blocks from " << h1
<< " to " << h2;
OMVLOG1 << address_prefix << ": waiting for new block. "
<< "Last scanned was " << h2;
loop_timestamp = get_current_timestamp();
// if thread has lived longer than thread_search_li
// without last_ping_timestamp being updated,
// stop the thread
if (loop_timestamp - last_ping_timestamp > thread_search_life)
OMINFO << address_prefix
+ ": search thread stopped.";
// update current_height of blockchain, as maybe top block(s)
// were dropped due to reorganization.
// if any txs that we already indexed got orphaned as a
// consequence of this
// MySqlAccounts::select_txs_for_account_spendability_check
// should
// update database accordingly when get_address_txs is executed.
OMVLOG2 << address_prefix + ": analyzing "
<< blocks.size() << " blocks from "
<< h1 << " to " << h2
<< " out of " << last_block_height << " blocks";
vector<crypto::hash> txs_hashes_from_blocks;
vector<transaction> txs_in_blocks;
vector<CurrentBlockchainStatus::txs_tuple_t> txs_data;
if (!current_bc_status->get_txs_in_blocks(blocks,
OMERROR << address_prefix
+ ": cant get tx in blocks from "
<< h1 << " to " << h2;
// we will only create mysql DateTime object once, anything is found
// in a given block;
unique_ptr<DateTime> blk_timestamp_mysql_format;
// searching for our incoming and outgoing xmr has two components.
// FIRST. to search for the incoming xmr, we use address, viewkey and
// outputs public key. Its straight forward, as this is what viewkey was
// designed to do.
// SECOND. Searching for spendings (i.e., key images) is more difficult,
// because we dont have spendkey. But what we can do is, we can look for
// candidate key images. And this can be achieved by checking if any mixin
// in associated with the given key image, is our output. If it is our output,
// then we assume its our key image (i.e. we spend this output).
// Off course this is only
// assumption as our outputs can be used in key images of others for their
// mixin purposes. Thus, we sent to the front end the list of key images
// that we think are yours, and the frontend, because it has spend key,
// can filter out false positives.
size_t tx_idx {0};
for (auto const& tx_tuple: txs_data)
crypto::hash const& tx_hash = txs_hashes_from_blocks[tx_idx];
transaction const& tx = txs_in_blocks[tx_idx++];
uint64_t blk_height = std::get<0>(tx_tuple);
uint64_t blk_timestamp = std::get<1>(tx_tuple);
bool is_coinbase = std::get<2>(tx_tuple);
bool is_rct = (tx.version == 2);
uint8_t rct_type = (is_rct ? tx.rct_signatures.type : 0);
// Class that is responsible for identification of our outputs
// and inputs in a given tx.
auto identifier = make_identifier(tx,
make_unique<Output>(&address, &viewkey),
make_unique<Input>(&address, &viewkey,
// flag indicating whether the txs in the given block are
// spendable.
// this is true when block number is more than 10 blocks
// from current blockchain height.
// if tx.unlock_time is not given (its value is 0), we set it
// here. For coinbase its always given, so no need to check
// for that
uint64_t tx_unlock_time = tx.unlock_time;
if (tx_unlock_time == 0)
tx_unlock_time = blk_height
bool is_spendable = current_bc_status->is_tx_unlocked(
tx_unlock_time, blk_height);
// this is id of txs in lmdb blockchain table.
// it will be used mostly to sort txs in the frontend.
uint64_t blockchain_tx_id {0};
// FIRSt step.
auto const& outputs_identified
= identifier.get<Output>()->get();
auto total_received = calc_total_xmr(outputs_identified);
vector<uint64_t> amount_specific_indices;
uint64_t tx_mysql_id {0};
// create pointer to mysql transaction object
// that we will initilize if we find something.
unique_ptr<mysqlpp::Transaction> mysql_transaction;
// if we identified some outputs as ours,
// save them into mysql.
if (!outputs_identified.empty())
auto tx_hash_str = pod_to_hex(tx_hash);
auto tx_hash_prefix_str
= pod_to_hex(get_transaction_prefix_hash(tx));
auto tx_pub_key_str
= pod_to_hex(identifier.get_tx_pub_key());
uint64_t mixin_no {0};
if (!is_coinbase)
mixin_no = xmreg::get_mixin_no(tx);
if (!blk_timestamp_mysql_format)
= unique_ptr<DateTime>(
new DateTime(
if (!mysql_transaction)
// start mysql transaction here
= unique_ptr<mysqlpp::Transaction>(
new mysqlpp::Transaction(
// when we rescan blockchain some txs can already
// be present in the mysql. So remove them, and their
// associated data in that case to repopulate fresh
// tx data
if (!delete_existing_tx_if_exists(tx_hash_str))
throw TxSearchException("Cant delete tx "
+ tx_hash_str);
if (!current_bc_status->tx_exist(tx_hash, blockchain_tx_id))
OMERROR << "Tx " << tx_hash_str
<< " not found in blockchain!";
throw TxSearchException("Cant get tx from blockchain: "
+ tx_hash_str);
OMVLOG1 << address_prefix + ": found some outputs in block "
<< blk_height << ", tx: " << tx_hash_str;
XmrTransaction tx_data; = mysqlpp::null;
tx_data.hash = tx_hash_str;
tx_data.prefix_hash = tx_hash_prefix_str;
tx_data.tx_pub_key = tx_pub_key_str;
tx_data.account_id = account_id;
tx_data.blockchain_tx_id = blockchain_tx_id;
tx_data.total_received = total_received;
tx_data.total_sent = 0; // at this stage we don't have
// anyinfo about spendings
// this is current block
// + unlock time
// for regular tx,
// the unlock time is
// default of 10 blocks.
// for coinbase tx it is 60 blocks
tx_data.unlock_time = tx_unlock_time;
tx_data.height = blk_height;
tx_data.coinbase = is_coinbase;
tx_data.is_rct = is_rct;
tx_data.rct_type = rct_type;
tx_data.spendable = is_spendable;
tx_data.payment_id = current_bc_status
tx_data.mixin = mixin_no;
tx_data.timestamp = *blk_timestamp_mysql_format;
// insert tx_data into mysql's Transactions table
tx_mysql_id = xmr_accounts->insert(tx_data);
// get amount specific (i.e., global) indices of outputs
if (!current_bc_status->get_amount_specific_indices(
tx_hash, amount_specific_indices))
OMERROR << address_prefix
+ ": cant get_amount_specific_indices!";
throw TxSearchException(
"cant get_amount_specific_indices!");
if (tx_mysql_id == 0)
OMERROR << address_prefix
+ ": tx_mysql_id is zero!"
<< tx_data;
throw TxSearchException("tx_mysql_id is zero!");
vector<XmrOutput> outputs_found;
// now add the found outputs into Outputs tables
for (auto&& out_info: outputs_identified)
XmrOutput out_data; = mysqlpp::null;
out_data.account_id = account_id;
out_data.tx_id = tx_mysql_id;
out_data.out_pub_key = pod_to_hex(out_info.pub_key);
out_data.tx_pub_key = tx_pub_key_str;
out_data.amount = out_info.amount;
out_data.out_index = out_info.idx_in_tx;
out_data.rct_outpk = pod_to_hex(out_info.rtc_outpk);
out_data.rct_mask = pod_to_hex(out_info.rtc_mask);
out_data.rct_amount = pod_to_hex(out_info.rtc_amount);
out_data.global_index = amount_specific_indices
out_data.mixin = tx_data.mixin;
out_data.timestamp = tx_data.timestamp;
// add the outputs found into known_outputs_keys map
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck (
{out_info.pub_key, out_info.amount});
} // for (auto& out_info: outputs_identified)
// insert all outputs found into mysql's outputs table
uint64_t no_rows_inserted
= xmr_accounts->insert(outputs_found);
if (no_rows_inserted == 0)
OMERROR << address_prefix
<< ": insert outputs_found: no_rows_inserted is zero!"
<< outputs_found;
throw TxSearchException("insert output_found: no_rows_inserted is zero!");
} // if (!found_mine_outputs.empty())
// SECOND component: Checking for our key images, i.e., inputs.
// no need mutex here, as this will be exectued only after
// the above. there is no threads here.
auto const& inputs_identfied = identifier.get<Input>()->get();
if (!inputs_identfied.empty())
// some inputs were identified as ours in a given tx.
// so now, go over those inputs, and check
// get detail info for each found mixin output from database
auto tx_hash_str = pod_to_hex(tx_hash);
auto tx_hash_prefix_str
= pod_to_hex(get_transaction_prefix_hash(tx));
auto tx_pub_key_str
= pod_to_hex(identifier.get_tx_pub_key());
uint64_t mixin_no {0};
if (mixin_no == 0 && !is_coinbase)
mixin_no = xmreg::get_mixin_no(tx);
if (!blk_timestamp_mysql_format)
= unique_ptr<DateTime>(
new DateTime(
if (!mysql_transaction)
// start mysql transaction here if not already present
= unique_ptr<mysqlpp::Transaction>(
new mysqlpp::Transaction(
// when we rescan blockchain some txs can already
// be present in the mysql. So remove them, and their
// associated data in that case to repopulate fresh tx data
// this will only execture if no outputs were found
// above. So there is no risk of deleting same tx twice
if (!delete_existing_tx_if_exists(tx_hash_str))
throw TxSearchException(
"Cant delete tx " + tx_hash_str);
if (blockchain_tx_id == 0)
if (!current_bc_status
->tx_exist(tx_hash, blockchain_tx_id))
OMERROR << address_prefix + ": tx "
<< tx_hash_str
<< "not found in blockchain !";
throw TxSearchException(
"Cant get tx from blockchain: "
+ tx_hash_str);
OMVLOG1 << address_prefix + ": found some possible "
<< "inputs in block " << blk_height << ", tx: "
<< tx_hash_str;
vector<XmrInput> inputs_found;
for (auto& in_info: inputs_identfied)
XmrOutput out;
if (xmr_accounts->output_exists(
pod_to_hex(in_info.out_pub_key), out))
// seems that this key image is ours.
// so get it information from database into XmrInput
// database structure that will be written later
// on into database.
XmrInput in_data; = mysqlpp::null;
in_data.account_id = acc->;
in_data.tx_id = 0; // later we set it
in_data.output_id =;
in_data.key_image = pod_to_hex(in_info.key_img);
in_data.amount = out.amount;
// must match corresponding
// output's amount
in_data.timestamp = *blk_timestamp_mysql_format;
} // if (xmr_accounts->output_exists(o
} // for (auto& in_info: inputs_identfied)
if (!inputs_found.empty())
// seems we have some inputs found. time
// to write it to mysql. But first,
// check if this tx is written in mysql.
// calculate how much we preasumply spent.
uint64_t total_sent {0};
for (const XmrInput& in_data: inputs_found)
total_sent += in_data.amount;
if (tx_mysql_id == 0)
// this txs hasnt been seen in step first.
// it means that it only contains potentially our
// key images. It does not have our outputs.
// so write it to mysql as ours, with
// total received of 0.
XmrTransaction tx_data; = mysqlpp::null;
tx_data.hash = tx_hash_str;
tx_data.prefix_hash = tx_hash_prefix_str;
tx_data.tx_pub_key = tx_pub_key_str;
tx_data.account_id = acc->;
tx_data.blockchain_tx_id = blockchain_tx_id;
tx_data.total_received = 0; // because this is
//total_recieved is 0
tx_data.total_sent = total_sent;
tx_data.unlock_time = tx_unlock_time;
tx_data.height = blk_height;
tx_data.coinbase = is_coinbase;
tx_data.is_rct = is_rct;
tx_data.rct_type = rct_type;
tx_data.spendable = is_spendable;
tx_data.payment_id = current_bc_status
tx_data.mixin = mixin_no;
tx_data.timestamp = *blk_timestamp_mysql_format;
// insert tx_data into mysql's Transactions table
tx_mysql_id = xmr_accounts->insert(tx_data);
if (tx_mysql_id == 0)
OMERROR << address_prefix
+ ": tx_mysql_id is zero!"
<< tx_data;
//cerr << "tx_mysql_id is zero!" << endl;
throw TxSearchException("tx_mysql_id is zero!");
// it did not insert this tx, because maybe
// it already
// exisits in the MySQL. So maybe can now
// check if we have it and get tx_mysql_id this
// way.
} // if (tx_mysql_id == 0)
// save all input found into database at once
// but first update tx_mysql_id for these inputs
for (XmrInput& in_data: inputs_found)
in_data.tx_id = tx_mysql_id; // set tx id now.
//before we made it 0
uint64_t no_rows_inserted
= xmr_accounts->insert(inputs_found);
if (no_rows_inserted == 0)
OMERROR << address_prefix
<< ": insert inputs_found: no_rows_inserted is zero!"
<< inputs_found;
throw TxSearchException(
"insert inputs_found: no_rows_inserted is zero!");
} // if (!inputs_found.empty())
} // if (!oi_identification.identified_inputs.empty())
// if we get to this point, we assume that all tx related
// tables are ready
// to be written, i.e., Transactions,
// Outputs and Inputs. If so, write
// all this into database.
if (mysql_transaction)
} // for (auto const& tx_pair: txs_map)
// update scanned_block_height every given interval
// or when we reached top of the blockchain
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> acc_lck(access_acc);
XmrAccount updated_acc = *acc;
updated_acc.scanned_block_height = h2;
= DateTime(static_cast<time_t>(
if (xmr_accounts->update(*acc, updated_acc))
// iff success, set acc to updated_acc;
//cout << "scanned_block_height updated\n";
*acc = updated_acc;
//current_timestamp = loop_timestamp;
// update this only when this variable is false
// otherwise a new search block value can
// be overwritten to h2, instead of the new value
if (!searched_block_got_updated)
searched_blk_no = h2 + 1;
searched_block_got_updated = false;
} // while(continue_search)
catch(std::exception const& e)
OMERROR << address_prefix
+ ": exception in TxSearch: "
<< e.what();
OMERROR << address_prefix
+ ": exception in TxSearch!";
searching_is_ongoing = false;
// it will stop anyway, but just call it so we get info message pritened out
OMINFO << address_prefix + ": stopping the thread";
continue_search = false;
OMINFO << address_prefix
+ ": txSearch thread destroyed";
TxSearch::set_searched_blk_no(uint64_t new_value)
searched_blk_no = new_value;
searched_block_got_updated = true;
TxSearch::get_searched_blk_no() const
return searched_blk_no;
inline seconds
TxSearch::get_current_timestamp() const
return chrono::duration_cast<seconds>(
last_ping_timestamp = chrono::duration_cast<seconds>(
OMVLOG2 << address_prefix
<< ": last_ping_timestamp updated to: "
<< last_ping_timestamp.count();
TxSearch::still_searching() const
return searching_is_ongoing;
vector<XmrOutput> outs;
if (xmr_accounts->select(acc->, outs))
for (const XmrOutput& out: outs)
public_key out_pub_key;
hex_to_pod(out.out_pub_key, out_pub_key);
known_outputs_keys[out_pub_key] = out.amount;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck (getting_known_outputs_keys);
return known_outputs_keys;
TxSearch::pool_txs_t mempool_txs,
json* j_transactions)
*j_transactions = json::array();
uint64_t current_height = current_bc_status
auto current_bc_status_ptr = current_bc_status.get();
known_outputs_t known_outputs_keys_copy = get_known_outputs_keys();
// since find_txs_in_mempool can be called outside of this thread,
// we need to use local connection. we cant use connection that the
// main search method is using, as we can end up wtih mysql errors
// mysql will blow up when two queries are done at the same
// time in a single connection.
// so we create local connection here, only to be used in this method.
auto local_xmr_accounts = make_shared<MySqlAccounts>(current_bc_status);
MicroCoreAdapter mcore_addapter {current_bc_status_ptr};
for (auto const& mtx: mempool_txs)
uint64_t recieve_time = mtx.first;
const transaction& tx = mtx.second;
const crypto::hash tx_hash = get_transaction_hash(tx);
bool is_rct = (tx.version == 2);
uint8_t rct_type = (is_rct ? tx.rct_signatures.type : 0);
// Class that is resposnible for idenficitaction of our outputs
// and inputs in a given tx.
auto identifier = make_identifier(tx,
make_unique<Output>(&address, &viewkey),
make_unique<Input>(&address, &viewkey,
// FIRSt step. to search for the incoming xmr, we use address,
// viewkey and
// outputs public key.
auto const& outputs_identified
= identifier.get<Output>()->get();
auto total_received = calc_total_xmr(outputs_identified);
//vector<uint64_t> amount_specific_indices;
// if we identified some outputs as ours,
// save them into json to be returned.
if (!outputs_identified.empty())
auto tx_hash_str = pod_to_hex(tx_hash);
auto tx_hash_prefix_str
= pod_to_hex(get_transaction_prefix_hash(tx));
auto tx_pub_key_str
= pod_to_hex(identifier.get_tx_pub_key());
auto is_coinbase = cryptonote::is_coinbase(tx);
uint64_t mixin_no {0};
if (!is_coinbase)
mixin_no = xmreg::get_mixin_no(tx);
json j_tx;
j_tx["id"] = 0; // dont have any database id
//for tx in mempool
// this id is used for
// sorting txs in the frontend.
j_tx["hash"] = tx_hash_str;
j_tx["tx_pub_key"] = tx_pub_key_str;
j_tx["timestamp"] = recieve_time*1e3; // when it got into mempool
j_tx["total_received"] = std::to_string(total_received);
j_tx["total_sent"] = "0"; // to be set later when looking for key images
j_tx["unlock_time"] = "0"; // for mempool we set it to zero
// since we dont have block_height to work with
j_tx["height"] = current_height; // put current blockchain height,
// just to indicate to frontend that this
// tx is younger than 10 blocks so that
// it shows unconfirmed message.
j_tx["payment_id"] = current_bc_status->get_payment_id_as_string(tx);
j_tx["coinbase"] = false; // pool tx are not coinbase, so always false
j_tx["is_rct"] = is_rct;
j_tx["rct_type"] = rct_type;
j_tx["mixin"] = mixin_no;
j_tx["mempool"] = true;
// SECOND step: Checking for our key images, i.e., inputs.
// no need mutex here, as this will be exectued only after
// the above. there is no threads here.
auto const& inputs_identfied = identifier.get<Input>()->get();
if (!inputs_identfied.empty())
// if we find something we need to construct spent_outputs json
// array that will be appended into j_tx above. or in case
// this is
// only spending tx, i.e., no outputs were found, we need to
// construct new j_tx.
auto tx_hash_str = pod_to_hex(tx_hash);
auto tx_hash_prefix_str
= pod_to_hex(get_transaction_prefix_hash(tx));
auto tx_pub_key_str
= pod_to_hex(identifier.get_tx_pub_key());
uint64_t mixin_no {0};
auto is_coinbase = cryptonote::is_coinbase(tx);
if (!is_coinbase)
mixin_no = xmreg::get_mixin_no(tx);
json spend_keys;
uint64_t total_sent {0};
for (auto& in_info: inputs_identfied)
// need to get output info from mysql, as we need
// to know output's amount, its orginal
// tx public key and its index in that tx
XmrOutput out;
if (local_xmr_accounts->output_exists(
pod_to_hex(in_info.out_pub_key), out))
total_sent += out.amount;
{"key_image" , pod_to_hex(in_info.key_img)},
{"amount" , std::to_string(out.amount)},
{"tx_pub_key", out.tx_pub_key},
{"out_index" , out.out_index},
{"mixin" , out.mixin},
if (!spend_keys.empty())
// check if we got outputs in this tx. if yes
// we use exising j_tx. If not, we need to construct new
// j_tx object.
if (!outputs_identified.empty())
// we have outputs in this tx as well, so use
// exisiting j_tx. we add spending info
// to j_tx created before.
json& j_tx = j_transactions->back();
j_tx["total_sent"] = std::to_string(total_sent);
j_tx["spent_outputs"] = spend_keys;
// we dont have any outputs in this tx as
// this is spend only tx, so we need to create new
// j_tx.
json j_tx;
j_tx["id"] = 0; // dont have any database
// id for tx in mempool
// this id is used for
// sorting txs in the
// frontend.
j_tx["hash"] = tx_hash_str;
j_tx["tx_pub_key"] = tx_pub_key_str;
j_tx["timestamp"] = recieve_time*1e3; // when it got into mempool
j_tx["total_received"] = "0"; // we did not recive any outputs/xmr
j_tx["total_sent"] = std::to_string(total_sent); // to be set later when looking for key images
j_tx["unlock_time"] = 0; // for mempool we set it to zero
// since we dont have block_height to work with
j_tx["height"] = current_height; // put current blockchain height,
// just to indicate to frontend that this
// tx is younger than 10 blocks so that
// it shows unconfirmed message.
j_tx["payment_id"] = current_bc_status
j_tx["coinbase"] = false; // mempool tx are not coinbase, so always false
j_tx["is_rct"] = is_rct;
j_tx["rct_type"] = rct_type;
j_tx["mixin"] = mixin_no;
j_tx["mempool"] = true;
j_tx["spent_outputs"] = spend_keys;
} // else of if (!identified_outputs.empty())
} // if (!spend_keys.empty())
} // if (!identified_inputs.empty())
} // for (const transaction& tx: txs_to_check)
TxSearch::get_xmr_address_viewkey() const
return make_pair(address, viewkey);
TxSearch::get_viewkey() const
static string viewkey = pod_to_hex(this->viewkey);
return viewkey;
TxSearch::set_search_thread_life(seconds life_seconds)
thread_search_life = life_seconds;
TxSearch::delete_existing_tx_if_exists(string const& tx_hash)
XmrTransaction tx_data_existing;
if (xmr_accounts->tx_exists(acc->, tx_hash, tx_data_existing))
OMVLOG1 << '\n' << address_prefix
+ ": tx " << tx_hash
<< " already present in db, so remove it";
// if tx is already present for that user,
// we remove it, as we get it data from scrach
if (xmr_accounts->delete_tx( == 0)
OMERROR << address_prefix + ": cant remove tx "
<< tx_hash;
return false;
return true;
TxSearch::update_acc(XmrAccount const& _acc)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> acc_lck(access_acc);
*acc = _acc;
// default value of static veriables
seconds TxSearch::thread_search_life {600};