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#pragma once
#include "om_log.h"
#include "MicroCore.h"
#include "db/ssqlses.h"
#include "TxUnlockChecker.h"
#include "BlockchainSetup.h"
#include "TxSearch.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "ThreadRAII.h"
#include "RPCCalls.h"
#include "db/MySqlAccounts.h"
#include "RandomOutputs.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
namespace xmreg {
using namespace std;
class XmrAccount;
class MySqlAccounts;
class TxSearch;
* This is a thread class. Probably it should be singleton, as we want
* only onstance of this class, but instead I will just make one instance of
* it in main.cpp and will be injecting it around. Copies are disabled, so
* we should not make a copy by accident. Moves are enabled though.
* This way its much easier to mock it for unit testing.
class CurrentBlockchainStatus
: public std::enable_shared_from_this<CurrentBlockchainStatus>
// vector of mempool transactions that all threads
// can refer to
// recieved_time, tx
using mempool_txs_t = vector<pair<uint64_t, transaction>>;
// height , timestamp, is_coinbase
using txs_tuple_t
= std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t, bool>;
atomic<uint64_t> current_height;
6 years ago
atomic<bool> is_running;
atomic<bool> stop_blockchain_monitor_loop;
6 years ago
CurrentBlockchainStatus(BlockchainSetup _bc_setup,
std::unique_ptr<MicroCore> _mcore,
std::unique_ptr<RPCCalls> _rpc);
virtual void
virtual uint64_t
virtual void
virtual bool
// inject TxUnlockChecker object
// its simplifies mocking its behavior in our
// tests, as we just inject mock version of
// TxUnlockChecker class
virtual bool
is_tx_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time,
uint64_t block_height,
TxUnlockChecker const& tx_unlock_checker
= TxUnlockChecker());
virtual bool
get_block(uint64_t height, block &blk);
virtual vector<block>
get_blocks_range(uint64_t const& h1, uint64_t const& h2);
virtual bool
get_block_txs(const block &blk,
vector<transaction> &blk_txs,
vector<crypto::hash>& missed_txs);
virtual bool
get_txs(vector<crypto::hash> const& txs_to_get,
vector<transaction>& txs,
vector<crypto::hash>& missed_txs);
virtual bool
tx_exist(const crypto::hash& tx_hash);
virtual bool
tx_exist(const crypto::hash& tx_hash, uint64_t& tx_index);
virtual bool
tx_exist(const string& tx_hash_str, uint64_t& tx_index);
virtual bool
get_tx_with_output(uint64_t output_idx, uint64_t amount,
transaction& tx, uint64_t& output_idx_in_tx);
virtual bool
get_output_keys(const uint64_t& amount,
const vector<uint64_t>& absolute_offsets,
vector<cryptonote::output_data_t>& outputs);
virtual string
crypto::hash8 const& payment_id8);
virtual string
string const& payment_id8_str);
virtual bool
get_output(const uint64_t amount,
const uint64_t global_output_index,
COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS_BIN::outkey& output_info);
virtual bool
get_amount_specific_indices(const crypto::hash& tx_hash,
vector<uint64_t>& out_indices);
virtual bool
get_random_outputs(vector<uint64_t> const& amounts,
uint64_t outs_count,
virtual uint64_t
get_dynamic_per_kb_fee_estimate() const;
virtual uint64_t
get_dynamic_base_fee_estimate() const;
virtual uint64_t
get_tx_unlock_time(crypto::hash const& tx_hash) const;
virtual bool
commit_tx(const string& tx_blob, string& error_msg,
bool do_not_relay = false);
virtual bool
virtual vector<pair<uint64_t, transaction>>
virtual bool
const string& payment_id_str,
const uint64_t& desired_amount,
string& tx_hash_with_payment);
virtual string
get_payment_id_as_string(const transaction& tx);
virtual output_data_t
get_output_key(uint64_t amount,
uint64_t global_amount_index);
// definitions of these function are at the end of this file
// due to forward declaraions of TxSearch
virtual bool
start_tx_search_thread(XmrAccount acc,
std::unique_ptr<TxSearch> tx_search);
virtual bool
ping_search_thread(const string& address);
virtual bool
search_thread_exist(const string& address);
virtual bool
get_xmr_address_viewkey(const string& address_str,
address_parse_info& address,
secret_key& viewkey);
virtual bool
find_txs_in_mempool(const string& address_str,
json& transactions);
virtual bool
find_tx_in_mempool(crypto::hash const& tx_hash,
transaction& tx);
virtual bool
find_key_images_in_mempool(std::vector<txin_v> const& vin);
virtual bool
find_key_images_in_mempool(transaction const& tx);
virtual bool
7 years ago
get_tx(crypto::hash const& tx_hash, transaction& tx);
virtual bool
7 years ago
get_tx(string const& tx_hash_str, transaction& tx);
virtual bool
7 years ago
get_tx_block_height(crypto::hash const& tx_hash, int64_t& tx_height);
virtual bool
set_new_searched_blk_no(const string& address,
uint64_t new_value);
virtual bool
get_searched_blk_no(const string& address,
uint64_t& searched_blk_no);
virtual bool
get_known_outputs_keys(string const& address,
unordered_map<public_key, uint64_t>& known_outputs_keys);
virtual void
* The frontend requires rct field to work
* the filed consisitct of rct_pk, mask, and amount.
virtual tuple<string, string, string>
const uint64_t global_amount_index,
const uint64_t out_amount);
inline virtual BlockchainSetup const&
get_bc_setup() const
return bc_setup;
inline virtual void
set_bc_setup(BlockchainSetup const& bs)
bc_setup = bs;
virtual void
init_txs_data_vector(vector<block> const& blocks,
vector<crypto::hash>& txs_to_get,
vector<txs_tuple_t>& txs_data);
virtual bool
get_txs_in_blocks(vector<block> const& blocks,
vector<crypto::hash>& txs_hashes,
vector<transaction>& txs,
vector<txs_tuple_t>& txs_data);
virtual TxSearch&
get_search_thread(string const& acc_address);
// default destructor is fine
virtual ~CurrentBlockchainStatus() = default;
// we dont want any copies of the objects of this class
CurrentBlockchainStatus(CurrentBlockchainStatus const&) = delete;
CurrentBlockchainStatus& operator= (CurrentBlockchainStatus const&) = delete;
// but we want moves, default ones should be fine
CurrentBlockchainStatus(CurrentBlockchainStatus&&) = default;
CurrentBlockchainStatus& operator= (CurrentBlockchainStatus&&) = default;
// parameters used to connect/read monero blockchain
BlockchainSetup bc_setup;
// since this class monitors current status
// of the blockchain, its seems logical to
// make object for accessing the blockchain here
6 years ago
// use pointer for this, so that we can easly
// inject mock MicroCore class in our tests
// as MicroCore is not copabaly nor movable
std::unique_ptr<MicroCore> mcore;
// this class is also the only class which can
// use talk to monero deamon using RPC.
std::unique_ptr<RPCCalls> rpc;
// vector of mempool transactions that all threads
// can refer to
// <recieved_time, transaction>
mempool_txs_t mempool_txs;
// map that will keep track of search threads. In the
// map, key is address to which a running thread belongs to.
// make it static to guarantee only one such map exist.
map<string, ThreadRAII2<TxSearch>> searching_threads;
// thread that will be dispachaed and will keep monitoring blockchain
// and mempool changes
std::thread m_thread;
// to synchronize searching access to searching_threads map
mutex searching_threads_map_mtx;
// to synchronize access to mempool_txs vector
mutex getting_mempool_txs;
// have this method will make it easier to moc
// RandomOutputs in our tests later
virtual unique_ptr<RandomOutputs>
vector<uint64_t> const& amounts,
uint64_t outs_count) const;