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"use strict";
const bignum = require('bignum');
const cnUtil = require('cryptonote-util');
const multiHashing = require("cryptonight-hashing");
const crypto = require('crypto');
const debug = require('debug')('coinFuncs');
let hexChars = new RegExp("[0-9a-f]+");
function Coin(data){
this.isxmr = true;
this.bestExchange = global.config.payout.bestExchange; = data;
let instanceId = crypto.randomBytes(4);
this.coinDevAddress = "44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A"; // Developer Address
this.poolDevAddress = "44Ldv5GQQhP7K7t3ZBdZjkPA7Kg7dhHwk3ZM3RJqxxrecENSFx27Vq14NAMAd2HBvwEPUVVvydPRLcC69JCZDHLT2X5a4gr"; // Snipa Address
this.blockedAddresses = [
"43SLUTpyTgXCNXsL43uD8FWZ5wLAdX7Ak67BgGp7dxnGhLmrffDTXoeGm2GBRm8JjigN9PTg2gnShQn5gkgE1JGWJr4gsEU", // Wolf0's address
"42QWoLF7pdwMcTXDviJvNkWEHJ4TXnMBh2Cx6HNkVAW57E48Zfw6wLwDUYFDYJAqY7PLJUTz9cHWB5C4wUA7UJPu5wPf4sZ", // Wolf0's address
"46gq64YYgCk88LxAadXbKLeQtCJtsLSD63NiEc3XHLz8NyPAyobACP161JbgyH2SgTau3aPUsFAYyK2RX4dHQoaN1ats6iT", // Claymore's Fee Address.
"47mr7jYTroxQMwdKoPQuJoc9Vs9S9qCUAL6Ek4qyNFWJdqgBZRn4RYY2QjQfqEMJZVWPscupSgaqmUn1dpdUTC4fQsu3yjN" // Claymore's _other_ fee address.
this.exchangeAddresses = [
"46yzCCD3Mza9tRj7aqPSaxVbbePtuAeKzf8Ky2eRtcXGcEgCg1iTBio6N4sPmznfgGEUGDoBz5CLxZ2XPTyZu1yoCAG7zt6", //
"463tWEBn5XZJSxLU6uLQnQ2iY9xuNcDbjLSjkn3XAXHCbLrTTErJrBWYgHJQyrCwkNgYvyV3z8zctJLPCZy24jvb3NiTcTJ", // Bittrex
"44TVPcCSHebEQp4LnapPkhb2pondb2Ed7GJJLc6TkKwtSyumUnQ6QzkCCkojZycH2MRfLcujCM7QR1gdnRULRraV4UpB5n4", //
"47sghzufGhJJDQEbScMCwVBimTuq6L5JiRixD8VeGbpjCTA12noXmi4ZyBZLc99e66NtnKff34fHsGRoyZk3ES1s1V4QVcB" // Poloniex
]; // These are addresses that MUST have a paymentID to perform logins with.
this.prefix = 18;
this.intPrefix = 19;
if (global.config.general.testnet === true){
this.prefix = 53;
this.intPrefix = 54;
this.supportsAutoExchange = true;
this.niceHashDiff = 400000;
this.getBlockHeaderByID = function(blockId, callback){'getblockheaderbyheight', {"height": blockId}, function (body) {
if (body.hasOwnProperty('result')){
return callback(null, body.result.block_header);
} else {
return callback(true, body);
this.getBlockHeaderByHash = function(blockHash, callback){'getblockheaderbyhash', {"hash": blockHash}, function (body) {
if (typeof(body) !== 'undefined' && body.hasOwnProperty('result')){
return callback(null, body.result.block_header);
} else {
return callback(true, body);
this.getLastBlockHeader = function(callback){'getlastblockheader', [], function (body) {
if (typeof(body) !== 'undefined' && body.hasOwnProperty('result')){
return callback(null, body.result.block_header);
} else {
return callback(true, body);
this.getBlockTemplate = function(walletAddress, callback){'getblocktemplate', {
reserve_size: 17,
wallet_address: walletAddress
}, function(body){
return callback(body);
this.baseDiff = function(){
this.validateAddress = function(address){
// This function should be able to be called from the async library, as we need to BLOCK ever so slightly to verify the address.
address = new Buffer(address);
if (cnUtil.address_decode(address) === this.prefix){
return true;
return cnUtil.address_decode_integrated(address) === this.intPrefix;
this.convertBlob = function(blobBuffer){
return cnUtil.convert_blob(blobBuffer);
this.constructNewBlob = function(blockTemplate, NonceBuffer){
return cnUtil.construct_block_blob(blockTemplate, NonceBuffer);
this.getBlockID = function(blockBuffer){
return cnUtil.get_block_id(blockBuffer);
this.BlockTemplate = function(template) {
Generating a block template is a simple thing. Ask for a boatload of information, and go from there.
Important things to consider.
The reserved space is 13 bytes long now in the following format:
Assuming that the extraNonce starts at byte 130:
|minerNonce/extraNonce - 4 bytes|instanceId - 4 bytes|clientPoolNonce - 4 bytes|clientNonce - 4 bytes|
This is designed to allow a single block template to be used on up to 4 billion poolSlaves (clientPoolNonce)
Each with 4 billion clients. (clientNonce)
While being unique to this particular pool thread (instanceId)
With up to 4 billion clients (minerNonce/extraNonce)
Overkill? Sure. But that's what we do here. Overkill.
// Set this.blob equal to the BT blob that we get from upstream.
this.blob = template.blocktemplate_blob;
this.idHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(template.blocktemplate_blob).digest('hex');
// Set this.diff equal to the known diff for this block.
this.difficulty = template.difficulty;
// Set this.height equal to the known height for this block.
this.height = template.height;
// Set this.reserveOffset to the byte location of the reserved offset.
this.reserveOffset = template.reserved_offset;
// Set this.buffer to the binary decoded version of the BT blob.
this.buffer = new Buffer(this.blob, 'hex');
// Copy the Instance ID to the reserve offset + 4 bytes deeper. Copy in 4 bytes.
instanceId.copy(this.buffer, this.reserveOffset + 4, 0, 3);
// Generate a clean, shiny new buffer.
this.previous_hash = new Buffer(32);
// Copy in bytes 7 through 39 to this.previous_hash from the current BT.
this.buffer.copy(this.previous_hash, 0, 7, 39);
// Reset the Nonce. - This is the per-miner/pool nonce
this.extraNonce = 0;
// The clientNonceLocation is the location at which the client pools should set the nonces for each of their clients.
this.clientNonceLocation = this.reserveOffset + 12;
// The clientPoolLocation is for multi-thread/multi-server pools to handle the nonce for each of their tiers.
this.clientPoolLocation = this.reserveOffset + 8;
this.nextBlob = function () {
// Write a 32 bit integer, big-endian style to the 0 byte of the reserve offset.
this.buffer.writeUInt32BE(++this.extraNonce, this.reserveOffset);
// Convert the blob into something hashable.
return global.coinFuncs.convertBlob(this.buffer).toString('hex');
// Make it so you can get the raw block blob out.
this.nextBlobWithChildNonce = function () {
// Write a 32 bit integer, big-endian style to the 0 byte of the reserve offset.
this.buffer.writeUInt32BE(++this.extraNonce, this.reserveOffset);
// Don't convert the blob to something hashable. You bad.
return this.buffer.toString('hex');
this.cryptoNight = function(convertedBlob) {
return multiHashing.cryptonight(convertedBlob, convertedBlob[0] >= 8 ? 8 : 1);
module.exports = Coin;