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# MyMonero Core JS
### Info
1. Legal
2. What's in This Repo?
6 years ago
3. Usage
### Contributing
1. QA
2. Pull Requests
6 years ago
3. Building MyMoneroCoreCpp from Scratch
4. Contributors
7 years ago
# Info
## Legal
See `LICENSE.txt` for license.
6 years ago
All source code copyright © 2014-2018 by MyMonero. All rights reserved.
## What's in This Repo?
This repository holds the Javascript source code for the Monero/CryptoNote cryptography and protocols, plus lightwallet functions which power the official [MyMonero]( apps.
There is also a chain of build scripts which is capable of building a JS module by transpiling a subset of Monero source code via emscripten, which relies upon static boost libs, for which there is also a script for building from source.
### Contents
6 years ago
`monero_utils` contains Monero- and MyMonero-specific implementations, wrappers, and declarations, and the MyMonero JS and wasm implementations for the underlying cryptography behind Monero.
6 years ago
`monero_utils/MyMoneroCoreCpp.(js,wasm)` are produced by transpiling Monero core C++ code to JS via Emscripten (See *Building MyMoneroCoreCpp*). A Module instance is managed by `monero_utils/MyMoneroCoreBridge.js`.
6 years ago
A ready-made entrypoint for interacting with `MyMoneroCoreBridge` is located at `monero_utils/monero_utils.js` with usage `require("./monero_utils/monero_utils").then(function(monero_utils) { })` or `
6 years ago
Many related utility functions and data structures are located throughout `monero_utils/`, `cryptonote_utils`, and `hostAPI`. Usage below.
6 years ago
6 years ago
This readme is located at ``, and the license is located at `LICENSE.txt`.
6 years ago
6 years ago
## Usage
### `hostAPI`
Use the functions in the modules in `hostAPI` for convenience implementations of (a) networking to a MyMonero-API-compatible server, (b) constructing common request bodies, and (c) parsing responses.
For a working example usage of `hostAPI`, see [mymonero-app-js/HostedMoneroAPIClient](
#### Examples
const endpointPath = "get_address_info"
const parameters = net_service_utils.New_ParametersForWalletRequest(address, view_key__private)
monero_utils_promise.then(function(monero_utils) {
address, view_key__private, spend_key__public, spend_key__private,
function(err, returnValuesByKey) {
where `data` is the JSON response. Note you must pass in a `resolve`d `monero_utils` instance (see below for usage) so that such functions can remain synchronous without having to wait for the promise.
`__keyImageManaged` means that key images will be generated and then cached for a large performance boost for you. The caveat of this convenience is that you should make sure to call `DeleteManagedKeyImagesForWalletWith` on `monero_utils/monero_keyImage_cache_utils` (below) when you're done with them, such as on the teardown of a related wallet instance.
### `cryptonote_utils/mnemonic_languages`
It's not generally at all necessary to interact with this module unless you want to, e.g., construct a GUI that needs a list of support mnemonics.
In other words, if your app only needs to generate a mnemonic, you can avoid using this code module entirely by simply passing a language code (of "en", "en-US", "ja", "zh" etc) to the below `monero_utils` function which generates wallets.
### `cryptonote_utils/nettype`
You'll need this module to construct the `nettype` argument for passing to various other functions.
#### Examples
`const nettype = require('cryptonote_utils/nettype').network_type.MAINNET`
### `cryptonote_utils/biginteger`
Used extensively for managing Monero amounts in atomic units to ensure precision.
#### Examples
const JSBigInt = require('../mymonero_core_js/cryptonote_utils/biginteger').BigInteger
const amount = new JSBigInt('12300000')
const amount_str = monero_amount_format_utils.formatMoney(amount)
### `cryptonote_utils/money_format_utils`
It's not necessary to use this module directly. See `monero_utils/monero_amount_format_utils`.
### `monero_utils/monero_amount_format_utils`
const monero_amount_format_utils = require("monero_utils/monero_amount_format_utils");
const formatted_string = monero_amount_format_utils.formatMoney(a JSBigInt)
Functions: `formatMoneyFull`, `formatMoneyFullSymbol`, `formatMoney`, `formatMoneySymbol`, `parseMoney(str) -> JSBigInt`
### `monero_utils/monero_txParsing_utils`
Use these functions to derive additional state from transaction rows which were returned by a server and then parsed by `hostAPI`.
* `IsTransactionConfirmed(tx, blockchain_height)`
* `IsTransactionUnlocked(tx, blockchain_height)`
* `TransactionLockedReason(tx, blockchain_height)`
### `monero_utils/monero_keyImage_cache_utils`
Use these functions to directly interact with the key image cache.
* `Lazy_KeyImage(…)` Generate a key image directly and cache it. Returns cached values.
* `DeleteManagedKeyImagesForWalletWith(address)` Call this to avoid leaking keys if you use any of the response parsing methods (above) which are suffixed with `__keyImageManaged`.
### `monero_utils/monero_paymentID_utils`
Contains functions to validating payment ID formats. To generate payment IDs, see `monero_utils`.
### `monero_utils/monero_requestURI_utils`
Functions for generating and parsing monero request URIs. Supports multiple currencies and formats.
### `monero_utils/monero_sendingFunds_utils`
Contains convenience implementations such as `SendFunds(…)` for constructing arguments to `monero_utils/monero_utils:create_transaction`.
This function will likely make it into `mymonero-core-cpp` in the future.
One of the arguments to `SendFunds`, `preSuccess_nonTerminal_statusUpdate_fn`, supplies status updates via codes that can be translated into messages. Codes are located on `SendFunds_ProcessStep_Code` and messages are located at `SendFunds_ProcessStep_MessageSuffix`.
### `monero_utils/monero_utils`
#### Examples
const mymonero = require("mymonero_core_js/index");
// or just "mymonero_core_js/monero_utils/monero_utils"
async function foo()
const monero_utils = await mymonero.monero_utils;
const nettype = mymonero.nettype_utils.network_type.MAINNET;
const decoded = monero_utils.address_and_keys_from_seed("…", nettype);
// read decoded.address_string
var decoded = monero_utils.decode_address("…", nettype);
#### Available functions
Each of these functions is implemented<sup>*</sup> in `monero_utils/MyMoneroCoreBridge.js`, which you access through `monero_utils/monero_utils.js`<sup>\*\*</sup>.
The arguments and return values for these functions are very explicitly called out by [MyMoneroCoreBridge.js](, so that will be the most complete documentation for the moment. Return values are all embedded within a JS dictionary unless they're singular values. Errors are thrown when functions are called via `monero_utils`.
<sup>* The functions' actual implementations are in WebAssembly which is produced via emscripten from exactly matching C++ functions in [mymonero-core-cpp]( This allows core implementation to be shared across all platforms.</sup>
<sup>** for proper exception handling given that `MyMoneroCoreBridge` functions return `{ err_msg: }` rather than throwing</sup>
##### Creating Transactions
These functions support Bulletproofs under the hood but don't take `bulletproof` as a parameter because that behavior is controlled by a hardcoded [`use_fork_rules` function]( Bulletproofs is not currently enabled.
* Safe to call over IPC as it takes string rather than native JS objects as args.
* Takes JSBigInt rather than string args.
# Contributing
## QA
Please submit any bugs as Issues unless they have already been reported.
Suggestions and feedback are very welcome!
## Pull Requests
We'll merge nearly anything constructive. Contributors welcome and credited in releases.
We often collaborate over IRC in #mymonero on Freenode.
**All development happens off the `develop` branch like the Gitflow Workflow.**
## Building MyMoneroCoreCpp from Scratch
There's no need to build monero_utils/MyMoneroCoreCpp as a build is provided, but if you were for example interested in adding a C++ function, you could use the information in this section to transpile it to JS.
### Repository Setup
* Execute `bin/update_submodules`
6 years ago
### Install Emscripten SDK
Ensure you've [properly installed Emscripten]( and exposed the Emscripten executables in your PATH, e.g.:
source ./
### Boost for Emscripten
*Depends upon:* Emscripten SDK
Download a copy of the contents of the Boost source into `./contrib/boost-sdk/`.
* Execute `bin/`
### Emscripten Module
6 years ago
*Depends upon:* Repository Setup, Emscripten SDK, Boost for Emscripten
* Execute `bin/`
6 years ago
Or if you want to copy the build products to their distribution locations,
* Execute `bin/`
## Contributors
* 💿 `endogenic` ([Paul Shapiro]( Maintainer
* 🍄 `luigi` Major contiributor of original JS core crypto and Monero-specific routines; Advisor
* 🏄‍♂️ `paullinator` ([Paul Puey]( API design
* 🔒 `cryptochangement` Subaddress send & decode support; Initial tests
6 years ago
* 💩 `henrynguyen5` Tests; Ledger support research