// // monero_transfer_utils.cpp // Copyright © 2018 MyMonero. All rights reserved. // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // // // #include "monero_transfer_utils.hpp" #include "wallet_errors.h" #include "string_tools.h" #include "monero_paymentID_utils.hpp" #include "monero_key_image_utils.hpp" // using namespace std; using namespace crypto; using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace epee; using namespace cryptonote; using namespace tools; // for error:: using namespace monero_transfer_utils; using namespace monero_fork_rules; using namespace monero_fee_utils; using namespace monero_key_image_utils; // for API response parsing // // Transfer parsing/derived properties bool monero_transfer_utils::is_transfer_unlocked( uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t block_height, uint64_t blockchain_size, /* extracting wallet2->m_blockchain.size() / m_local_bc_height */ network_type nettype ) { if(!is_tx_spendtime_unlocked(unlock_time, block_height, blockchain_size, nettype)) return false; if(block_height + CRYPTONOTE_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE > blockchain_size) return false; return true; } bool monero_transfer_utils::is_tx_spendtime_unlocked( uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t block_height, uint64_t blockchain_size, network_type nettype ) { if(unlock_time < CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER) { //interpret as block index if(blockchain_size-1 + CRYPTONOTE_LOCKED_TX_ALLOWED_DELTA_BLOCKS >= unlock_time) return true; else return false; }else { //interpret as time uint64_t current_time = static_cast(time(NULL)); // XXX: this needs to be fast, so we'd need to get the starting heights // from the daemon to be correct once voting kicks in uint64_t v2height = nettype == TESTNET ? 624634 : nettype == STAGENET ? (uint64_t)-1/*TODO*/ : 1009827; uint64_t leeway = block_height < v2height ? CRYPTONOTE_LOCKED_TX_ALLOWED_DELTA_SECONDS_V1 : CRYPTONOTE_LOCKED_TX_ALLOWED_DELTA_SECONDS_V2; if(current_time + leeway >= unlock_time) return true; else return false; } return false; } // CreateTransactionErrorCode _add_pid_to_tx_extra( const optional& payment_id_string, vector &extra ) { // Detect hash8 or hash32 char hex string as pid and configure 'extra' accordingly bool r = false; if (payment_id_string != none && payment_id_string->size() > 0) { crypto::hash payment_id; r = monero_paymentID_utils::parse_long_payment_id(*payment_id_string, payment_id); if (r) { std::string extra_nonce; cryptonote::set_payment_id_to_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce, payment_id); r = cryptonote::add_extra_nonce_to_tx_extra(extra, extra_nonce); if (!r) { return couldntAddPIDNonceToTXExtra; } } else { crypto::hash8 payment_id8; r = monero_paymentID_utils::parse_short_payment_id(*payment_id_string, payment_id8); if (!r) { // a PID has been specified by the user but the last resort in validating it fails; error return invalidPID; } std::string extra_nonce; cryptonote::set_encrypted_payment_id_to_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce, payment_id8); r = cryptonote::add_extra_nonce_to_tx_extra(extra, extra_nonce); if (!r) { return couldntAddPIDNonceToTXExtra; } } } return noError; } bool _rct_hex_to_rct_commit( const std::string &rct_string, rct::key &rct_commit ) { // rct string is empty if output is non RCT if (rct_string.empty()) { return false; } // rct_string is a string with length 64+64+64 ( + + ) std::string rct_commit_str = rct_string.substr(0,64); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!string_tools::validate_hex(64, rct_commit_str), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid rct commit hash: " + rct_commit_str); string_tools::hex_to_pod(rct_commit_str, rct_commit); return true; } bool _rct_hex_to_decrypted_mask( const std::string &rct_string, const crypto::secret_key &view_secret_key, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key, uint64_t internal_output_index, rct::key &decrypted_mask ) { // rct string is empty if output is non RCT if (rct_string.empty()) { return false; } // rct_string is a string with length 64+64+64 ( + + ) rct::key encrypted_mask; std::string encrypted_mask_str = rct_string.substr(64,64); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!string_tools::validate_hex(64, encrypted_mask_str), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid rct mask: " + encrypted_mask_str); string_tools::hex_to_pod(encrypted_mask_str, encrypted_mask); // if (encrypted_mask == rct::identity()) { // NOTE: ringct coinbase txs have the identity mask manually provided unencrypted in the rct field by the hosted lightwallet backend decrypted_mask = encrypted_mask; return true; } // // Decrypt the mask crypto::key_derivation derivation; bool r = generate_key_derivation(tx_pub_key, view_secret_key, derivation); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to generate key derivation"); crypto::secret_key scalar; crypto::derivation_to_scalar(derivation, internal_output_index, scalar); sc_sub(decrypted_mask.bytes, encrypted_mask.bytes, rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::sk2rct(scalar)).bytes); return true; } bool _verify_sec_key(const crypto::secret_key &secret_key, const crypto::public_key &public_key) { // borrowed from device_default.cpp crypto::public_key calculated_pub; bool r = crypto::secret_key_to_public_key(secret_key, calculated_pub); return r && public_key == calculated_pub; } // namespace { template T pop_index(std::vector& vec, size_t idx) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(!vec.empty(), T(), "Vector must be non-empty"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(idx < vec.size(), T(), "idx out of bounds"); T res = std::move(vec[idx]); if (idx + 1 != vec.size()) { vec[idx] = std::move(vec.back()); } vec.resize(vec.size() - 1); return res; } // template T pop_random_value(std::vector& vec) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(!vec.empty(), T(), "Vector must be non-empty"); size_t idx = crypto::rand() % vec.size(); return pop_index (vec, idx); } } // // // // Decomposed Send procedure void monero_transfer_utils::send_step1__prepare_params_for_get_decoys( Send_Step1_RetVals &retVals, // const optional& payment_id_string, uint64_t sending_amount, bool is_sweeping, uint32_t simple_priority, use_fork_rules_fn_type use_fork_rules_fn, // const vector &unspent_outs, uint64_t fee_per_b, // per v8 uint64_t fee_quantization_mask, // optional passedIn_attemptAt_fee ) { retVals = {}; // if (is_sweeping) { if (sending_amount != 0 && sending_amount != UINT64_MAX) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( sending_amount != 0 && sending_amount != UINT64_MAX, error::wallet_internal_error, "Ambiguous arguments; Pass sending_amount 0 while sweeping" ); return; } } else { // not sweeping if (sending_amount == 0) { retVals.errCode = enteredAmountTooLow; return; } } // uint32_t fake_outs_count = monero_fork_rules::fixed_mixinsize(); retVals.mixin = fake_outs_count; // bool use_rct = true; bool bulletproof = true; // std::vector extra; CreateTransactionErrorCode tx_extra__code = _add_pid_to_tx_extra(payment_id_string, extra); if (tx_extra__code != noError) { retVals.errCode = tx_extra__code; return; } const uint64_t base_fee = get_base_fee(fee_per_b); // in other words, fee_per_b const uint64_t fee_multiplier = get_fee_multiplier(simple_priority, default_priority(), get_fee_algorithm(use_fork_rules_fn), use_fork_rules_fn); // uint64_t attempt_at_min_fee; if (passedIn_attemptAt_fee == none) { attempt_at_min_fee = estimate_fee(true/*use_per_byte_fee*/, true/*use_rct*/, 2/*est num inputs*/, fake_outs_count, 2, extra.size(), bulletproof, base_fee, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask); // opted to do this instead of `const uint64_t min_fee = (fee_multiplier * base_fee * estimate_tx_size(use_rct, 1, fake_outs_count, 2, extra.size(), bulletproof));` // TODO: estimate with 1 input or 2? } else { attempt_at_min_fee = *passedIn_attemptAt_fee; } struct Total { static uint64_t with(uint64_t sending_amount, uint64_t fee_amount) { return sending_amount + fee_amount; } }; // fee may get changed as follows… uint64_t potential_total; // aka balance_required if (is_sweeping) { potential_total = UINT64_MAX; // balance required: all } else { potential_total = Total::with(sending_amount, attempt_at_min_fee); } // // Gather outputs and amount to use for getting decoy outputs… uint64_t using_outs_amount = 0; vector remaining_unusedOuts = unspent_outs; // take copy so not to modify original // TODO: factor this out to get spendable balance for display in the MM wallet: while (using_outs_amount < potential_total && remaining_unusedOuts.size() > 0) { auto out = pop_random_value(remaining_unusedOuts); if (!use_rct && (out.rct != none && (*out.rct).empty() == false)) { // out.rct is set by the server continue; // skip rct outputs if not creating rct tx } if (out.amount < monero_fork_rules::dust_threshold()) { // amount is dusty.. if (out.rct == none || (*out.rct).empty()) { // cout << "Found a dusty but unmixable (non-rct) output... skipping it!" << endl; continue; } else { // cout << "Found a dusty but mixable (rct) amount... keeping it!" << endl; } } using_outs_amount += out.amount; // cout << "Using output: " << out.amount << " - " << out.public_key << endl; retVals.using_outs.push_back(std::move(out)); } retVals.spendable_balance = using_outs_amount; // must store for needMoreMoneyThanFound return // Note: using_outs and using_outs_amount may still get modified below (so retVals.spendable_balance gets updated) // // if (/*using_outs.size() > 1*/ && use_rct) { // FIXME? see original core js uint64_t needed_fee = estimate_fee( true/*use_per_byte_fee*/, use_rct, retVals.using_outs.size(), fake_outs_count, /*tx.dsts.size()*/1+1, extra.size(), bulletproof, base_fee, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask ); // if newNeededFee < neededFee, use neededFee instead (should only happen on the 2nd or later times through (due to estimated fee being too low)) if (needed_fee < attempt_at_min_fee) { needed_fee = attempt_at_min_fee; } // // NOTE: needed_fee may get further modified below when !is_sweeping if using_outs_amount < total_incl_fees and gets finalized (for this function's scope) as using_fee // retVals.required_balance = is_sweeping ? needed_fee : potential_total; // must store for needMoreMoneyThanFound return .... NOTE: this is set to needed_fee for is_sweeping because that's literally the required balance, which an caller may want to print in case they get needMoreMoneyThanFound - note this gets updated below when !is_sweeping // uint64_t total_wo_fee = is_sweeping ? /*now that we know outsAmount>needed_fee*/(using_outs_amount - needed_fee) : sending_amount; retVals.final_total_wo_fee = total_wo_fee; // uint64_t total_incl_fees; if (is_sweeping) { if (using_outs_amount < needed_fee) { // like checking if the result of the following total_wo_fee is < 0 retVals.errCode = needMoreMoneyThanFound; // sufficiently up-to-date (for this return case) required_balance and using_outs_amount (spendable balance) will have been stored for return by this point return; } total_incl_fees = using_outs_amount; } else { total_incl_fees = sending_amount + needed_fee; // because fee changed because using_outs.size() was updated while (using_outs_amount < total_incl_fees && remaining_unusedOuts.size() > 0) { // add outputs 1 at a time till we either have them all or can meet the fee { auto out = pop_random_value(remaining_unusedOuts); // cout << "Using output: " << out.amount << " - " << out.public_key << endl; using_outs_amount += out.amount; retVals.using_outs.push_back(std::move(out)); } retVals.spendable_balance = using_outs_amount; // must store for needMoreMoneyThanFound return // // Recalculate fee, total incl fees needed_fee = estimate_fee( true/*use_per_byte_fee*/, use_rct, retVals.using_outs.size(), fake_outs_count, /*tx.dsts.size()*/1+1, extra.size(), bulletproof, base_fee, fee_multiplier, fee_quantization_mask ); total_incl_fees = sending_amount + needed_fee; // because fee changed } retVals.required_balance = total_incl_fees; // update required_balance b/c total_incl_fees changed } retVals.using_fee = needed_fee; // // cout << "Final attempt at fee: " << needed_fee << " for " << retVals.using_outs.size() << " inputs" << endl; // cout << "Balance to be used: " << total_incl_fees << endl; if (using_outs_amount < total_incl_fees) { retVals.errCode = needMoreMoneyThanFound; // sufficiently up-to-date (for this return case) required_balance and using_outs_amount (spendable balance) will have been stored for return by this point. return; } // // Change can now be calculated uint64_t change_amount = 0; // to initialize if (using_outs_amount > total_incl_fees) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(is_sweeping, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected total_incl_fees > using_outs_amount while sweeping"); change_amount = using_outs_amount - total_incl_fees; } // cout << "Calculated change amount:" << change_amount << endl; retVals.change_amount = change_amount; // // uint64_t tx_estimated_weight = estimate_tx_weight(true/*use_rct*/, retVals.using_outs.size(), fake_outs_count, 1+1, extra.size(), true/*bulletproof*/); // if (tx_estimated_weight >= TX_WEIGHT_TARGET(get_upper_transaction_weight_limit(0, use_fork_rules_fn))) { // // TODO? // } } void monero_transfer_utils::send_step2__try_create_transaction( Send_Step2_RetVals &retVals, // const string &from_address_string, const string &sec_viewKey_string, const string &sec_spendKey_string, const string &to_address_string, const optional& payment_id_string, uint64_t final_total_wo_fee, uint64_t change_amount, uint64_t fee_amount, uint32_t simple_priority, const vector &using_outs, uint64_t fee_per_b, // per v8 uint64_t fee_quantization_mask, vector &mix_outs, // cannot be const due to convenience__create_transaction's mutability requirement use_fork_rules_fn_type use_fork_rules_fn, uint64_t unlock_time, // or 0 cryptonote::network_type nettype ) { retVals = {}; // Convenience_TransactionConstruction_RetVals create_tx__retVals; monero_transfer_utils::convenience__create_transaction( create_tx__retVals, from_address_string, sec_viewKey_string, sec_spendKey_string, to_address_string, payment_id_string, final_total_wo_fee, change_amount, fee_amount, using_outs, mix_outs, use_fork_rules_fn, unlock_time, nettype // TODO: move to after from_address_string ); if (create_tx__retVals.errCode != noError) { retVals.errCode = create_tx__retVals.errCode; return; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(create_tx__retVals.signed_serialized_tx_string == boost::none, error::wallet_internal_error, "Not expecting no signed_serialized_tx_string given no error"); // size_t blob_size = *create_tx__retVals.txBlob_byteLength; uint64_t fee_actually_needed = calculate_fee( true/*use_per_byte_fee*/, *create_tx__retVals.tx, blob_size, get_base_fee(fee_per_b)/*i.e. fee_per_b*/, get_fee_multiplier(simple_priority, default_priority(), get_fee_algorithm(use_fork_rules_fn), use_fork_rules_fn), fee_quantization_mask ); if (fee_actually_needed > fee_amount) { // cout << "Need to reconstruct tx with fee of at least " << fee_actually_needed << "." << endl; retVals.tx_must_be_reconstructed = true; retVals.fee_actually_needed = fee_actually_needed; return; } retVals.signed_serialized_tx_string = std::move(*(create_tx__retVals.signed_serialized_tx_string)); retVals.tx_hash_string = std::move(*(create_tx__retVals.tx_hash_string)); retVals.tx_key_string = std::move(*(create_tx__retVals.tx_key_string)); retVals.tx_pub_key_string = std::move(*(create_tx__retVals.tx_pub_key_string)); } // // // Underlying implementations to mimic historical JS-land create_transaction / construct_tx impls // void monero_transfer_utils::create_transaction( TransactionConstruction_RetVals &retVals, const account_keys& sender_account_keys, // this will reference a particular hw::device const uint32_t subaddr_account_idx, const std::unordered_map &subaddresses, const address_parse_info &to_addr, uint64_t sending_amount, uint64_t change_amount, uint64_t fee_amount, const vector &outputs, vector &mix_outs, const std::vector &extra, use_fork_rules_fn_type use_fork_rules_fn, uint64_t unlock_time, // or 0 bool rct, cryptonote::network_type nettype ) { retVals.errCode = noError; // // TODO: do we need to sort destinations by amount, here, according to 'decompose_destinations'? // uint32_t fake_outputs_count = fixed_mixinsize(); bool bulletproof = true; const rct::RangeProofType range_proof_type = bulletproof ? rct::RangeProofPaddedBulletproof : rct::RangeProofBorromean; // if (mix_outs.size() != outputs.size() && fake_outputs_count != 0) { retVals.errCode = wrongNumberOfMixOutsProvided; return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < mix_outs.size(); i++) { if (mix_outs[i].outputs.size() < fake_outputs_count) { retVals.errCode = notEnoughOutputsForMixing; return; } } if (!sender_account_keys.get_device().verify_keys(sender_account_keys.m_spend_secret_key, sender_account_keys.m_account_address.m_spend_public_key) || !sender_account_keys.get_device().verify_keys(sender_account_keys.m_view_secret_key, sender_account_keys.m_account_address.m_view_public_key)) { retVals.errCode = invalidSecretKeys; return; } if (sending_amount > std::numeric_limits::max() - change_amount || sending_amount + change_amount > std::numeric_limits::max() - fee_amount) { retVals.errCode = outputAmountOverflow; return; } uint64_t needed_money = sending_amount + change_amount + fee_amount; // TODO: is this correct? // uint64_t found_money = 0; std::vector sources; // TODO: log: "Selected transfers: " << outputs for (size_t out_index = 0; out_index < outputs.size(); out_index++) { found_money += outputs[out_index].amount; if (found_money > UINT64_MAX) { retVals.errCode = inputAmountOverflow; } auto src = tx_source_entry{}; src.amount = outputs[out_index].amount; src.rct = outputs[out_index].rct != none && (*(outputs[out_index].rct)).empty() == false; // typedef cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry tx_output_entry; if (mix_outs.size() != 0) { // Sort fake outputs by global index std::sort(mix_outs[out_index].outputs.begin(), mix_outs[out_index].outputs.end(), [] ( RandomAmountOutput const& a, RandomAmountOutput const& b ) { return a.global_index < b.global_index; }); for ( size_t j = 0; src.outputs.size() < fake_outputs_count && j < mix_outs[out_index].outputs.size(); j++ ) { auto mix_out__output = mix_outs[out_index].outputs[j]; if (mix_out__output.global_index == outputs[out_index].global_index) { LOG_PRINT_L2("got mixin the same as output, skipping"); continue; } auto oe = tx_output_entry{}; oe.first = mix_out__output.global_index; // crypto::public_key public_key = AUTO_VAL_INIT(public_key); if(!string_tools::hex_to_pod(mix_out__output.public_key, public_key)) { retVals.errCode = givenAnInvalidPubKey; return; } oe.second.dest = rct::pk2rct(public_key); // if (mix_out__output.rct != boost::none && (*(mix_out__output.rct)).empty() == false) { rct::key commit; _rct_hex_to_rct_commit(*mix_out__output.rct, commit); oe.second.mask = commit; } else { if (outputs[out_index].rct != boost::none && (*(outputs[out_index].rct)).empty() == false) { retVals.errCode = mixRCTOutsMissingCommit; return; } oe.second.mask = rct::zeroCommit(src.amount); //create identity-masked commitment for non-rct mix input } src.outputs.push_back(oe); } } auto real_oe = tx_output_entry{}; real_oe.first = outputs[out_index].global_index; // crypto::public_key public_key = AUTO_VAL_INIT(public_key); if(!string_tools::validate_hex(64, outputs[out_index].public_key)) { retVals.errCode = givenAnInvalidPubKey; return; } if (!string_tools::hex_to_pod(outputs[out_index].public_key, public_key)) { retVals.errCode = givenAnInvalidPubKey; return; } real_oe.second.dest = rct::pk2rct(public_key); // if (outputs[out_index].rct != none && (*(outputs[out_index].rct)).empty() == false) { rct::key commit; _rct_hex_to_rct_commit(*(outputs[out_index].rct), commit); real_oe.second.mask = commit; //add commitment for real input } else { real_oe.second.mask = rct::zeroCommit(src.amount/*aka outputs[out_index].amount*/); //create identity-masked commitment for non-rct input } // // Add real_oe to outputs uint64_t real_output_index = src.outputs.size(); for (size_t j = 0; j < src.outputs.size(); j++) { if (real_oe.first < src.outputs[j].first) { real_output_index = j; break; } } src.outputs.insert(src.outputs.begin() + real_output_index, real_oe); // crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = AUTO_VAL_INIT(tx_pub_key); if(!string_tools::validate_hex(64, outputs[out_index].tx_pub_key)) { retVals.errCode = givenAnInvalidPubKey; return; } string_tools::hex_to_pod(outputs[out_index].tx_pub_key, tx_pub_key); src.real_out_tx_key = tx_pub_key; // src.real_out_additional_tx_keys = get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(extra); // src.real_output = real_output_index; uint64_t internal_output_index = outputs[out_index].index; src.real_output_in_tx_index = internal_output_index; // src.rct = outputs[out_index].rct != boost::none && (*(outputs[out_index].rct)).empty() == false; if (src.rct) { rct::key decrypted_mask; bool r = _rct_hex_to_decrypted_mask( *(outputs[out_index].rct), sender_account_keys.m_view_secret_key, tx_pub_key, internal_output_index, decrypted_mask ); if (!r) { retVals.errCode = cantGetDecryptedMaskFromRCTHex; return; } src.mask = decrypted_mask; // rct::key calculated_commit = rct::commit(outputs[out_index].amount, decrypted_mask); // rct::key parsed_commit; // _rct_hex_to_rct_commit(*(outputs[out_index].rct), parsed_commit); // if (!(real_oe.second.mask == calculated_commit)) { // real_oe.second.mask==parsed_commit(outputs[out_index].rct) // retVals.errCode = invalidCommitOrMaskOnOutputRCT; // return; // } } else { rct::key I; rct::identity(I); src.mask = I; // in the original cn_utils impl this was left as null for generate_key_image_helper_rct to fill in with identity I } // not doing multisig here yet src.multisig_kLRki = rct::multisig_kLRki({rct::zero(), rct::zero(), rct::zero(), rct::zero()}); sources.push_back(src); } // // TODO: if this is a multisig wallet, create a list of multisig signers we can use std::vector splitted_dsts; tx_destination_entry to_dst = AUTO_VAL_INIT(to_dst); to_dst.addr = to_addr.address; to_dst.amount = sending_amount; to_dst.is_subaddress = to_addr.is_subaddress; splitted_dsts.push_back(to_dst); // cryptonote::tx_destination_entry change_dst = AUTO_VAL_INIT(change_dst); change_dst.amount = change_amount; // if (change_dst.amount == 0) { if (splitted_dsts.size() == 1) { // If the change is 0, send it to a random address, to avoid confusing // the sender with a 0 amount output. We send a 0 amount in order to avoid // letting the destination be able to work out which of the inputs is the // real one in our rings LOG_PRINT_L2("generating dummy address for 0 change"); cryptonote::account_base dummy; dummy.generate(); change_dst.addr = dummy.get_keys().m_account_address; LOG_PRINT_L2("generated dummy address for 0 change"); splitted_dsts.push_back(change_dst); } } else { change_dst.addr = sender_account_keys.m_account_address; splitted_dsts.push_back(change_dst); } // // TODO: log: "sources: " << sources if (found_money > needed_money) { if (change_dst.amount != fee_amount) { retVals.errCode = resultFeeNotEqualToGiven; // aka "early fee calculation != later" return; // early } } else if (found_money < needed_money) { retVals.errCode = needMoreMoneyThanFound; // TODO: return actual found_money and needed_money in generalized err params in return val return; } // cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::secret_key tx_key; std::vector additional_tx_keys; bool r = cryptonote::construct_tx_and_get_tx_key( sender_account_keys, subaddresses, sources, splitted_dsts, change_dst.addr, extra, tx, unlock_time, tx_key, additional_tx_keys, true, range_proof_type, /*m_multisig ? &msout : */NULL ); LOG_PRINT_L2("constructed tx, r="<& payment_id_string, uint64_t sending_amount, uint64_t change_amount, uint64_t fee_amount, const vector &outputs, vector &mix_outs, use_fork_rules_fn_type use_fork_rules_fn, uint64_t unlock_time, network_type nettype ) { retVals.errCode = noError; // cryptonote::address_parse_info from_addr_info; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!cryptonote::get_account_address_from_str(from_addr_info, nettype, from_address_string), error::wallet_internal_error, "Couldn't parse from-address"); cryptonote::account_keys account_keys; { account_keys.m_account_address = from_addr_info.address; // crypto::secret_key sec_viewKey; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!string_tools::hex_to_pod(sec_viewKey_string, sec_viewKey), error::wallet_internal_error, "Couldn't parse view key"); account_keys.m_view_secret_key = sec_viewKey; // crypto::secret_key sec_spendKey; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!string_tools::hex_to_pod(sec_spendKey_string, sec_spendKey), error::wallet_internal_error, "Couldn't parse spend key"); account_keys.m_spend_secret_key = sec_spendKey; } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF( to_address_string.find(".") != std::string::npos, // assumed to be an OA address asXMR addresses do not have periods and OA addrs must error::wallet_internal_error, "Integrators must resolve OA addresses before calling Send" ); // This would be an app code fault cryptonote::address_parse_info to_addr_info; // just in case… if (!cryptonote::get_account_address_from_str(to_addr_info, nettype, to_address_string)) { retVals.errCode = couldntDecodeToAddress; return; } // std::vector extra; CreateTransactionErrorCode tx_extra__code = _add_pid_to_tx_extra(payment_id_string, extra); if (tx_extra__code != noError) { retVals.errCode = tx_extra__code; return; } bool payment_id_seen = payment_id_string != none; // logically this is true since payment_id_string has passed validation (or we'd have errored) if (to_addr_info.is_subaddress && payment_id_seen) { retVals.errCode = cantUsePIDWithSubAddress; // Never use a subaddress with a payment ID return; } if (to_addr_info.has_payment_id) { if (payment_id_seen) { retVals.errCode = nonZeroPIDWithIntAddress; // can't use int addr at same time as supplying manual pid return; } if (to_addr_info.is_subaddress) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(false, error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected is_subaddress && has_payment_id"); // should never happen return; } std::string extra_nonce; cryptonote::set_encrypted_payment_id_to_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce, to_addr_info.payment_id); bool r = cryptonote::add_extra_nonce_to_tx_extra(extra, extra_nonce); if (!r) { retVals.errCode = couldntAddPIDNonceToTXExtra; return; } payment_id_seen = true; } // uint32_t subaddr_account_idx = 0; std::unordered_map subaddresses; subaddresses[account_keys.m_account_address.m_spend_public_key] = {0,0}; // TransactionConstruction_RetVals actualCall_retVals; create_transaction( actualCall_retVals, account_keys, subaddr_account_idx, subaddresses, to_addr_info, sending_amount, change_amount, fee_amount, outputs, mix_outs, extra, // TODO: move to after address use_fork_rules_fn, unlock_time, true/*rct*/, nettype ); if (actualCall_retVals.errCode != noError) { retVals.errCode = actualCall_retVals.errCode; // pass-through return; // already set the error } auto txBlob = t_serializable_object_to_blob(*actualCall_retVals.tx); size_t txBlob_byteLength = txBlob.size(); // cout << "txBlob: " << txBlob << endl; // cout << "txBlob_byteLength: " << txBlob_byteLength << endl; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(txBlob_byteLength <= 0, error::wallet_internal_error, "Expected tx blob byte length > 0"); // // tx hash retVals.tx_hash_string = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(*actualCall_retVals.tx)); // signed serialized tx retVals.signed_serialized_tx_string = epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(cryptonote::tx_to_blob(*actualCall_retVals.tx)); // (concatenated) tx key { ostringstream oss; oss << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(*actualCall_retVals.tx_key); for (size_t i = 0; i < (*actualCall_retVals.additional_tx_keys).size(); ++i) { oss << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex((*actualCall_retVals.additional_tx_keys)[i]); } retVals.tx_key_string = oss.str(); } { ostringstream oss; oss << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(*actualCall_retVals.tx)); retVals.tx_pub_key_string = oss.str(); } retVals.tx = *actualCall_retVals.tx; // for calculating block weight; FIXME: std::move? // // cout << "out 0: " << string_tools::pod_to_hex(boost::get((*(actualCall_retVals.tx)).vout[0].target).key) << endl; // cout << "out 1: " << string_tools::pod_to_hex(boost::get((*(actualCall_retVals.tx)).vout[1].target).key) << endl; // retVals.txBlob_byteLength = txBlob_byteLength; }