# xmrig Docker image for the [XMRig Monero miner][xmrig-gh]. ### Features * TLS with OpenSSL. * Donation level defaults to zero. [Please send Mr XMRig some coins if you can][xmrig-donations]. * Single static binary. No BS. ### Usage Example ``` docker run \ --rm \ -i \ -t \ moneromint/xmrig \ -a rx/0 \ -o xmrpow.de:4242 \ -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS \ ``` ### Performance Notes Enable huge pages and apply the MSR tweaks from the host machine; the container is unable to do this. ### Links * [Docker Hub][dockerhub] * [git.wownero.com][gitwow] * [GitHub][github] [dockerhub]: https://hub.docker.com/r/moneromint/xmrig 'Docker Hub page' [github]: https://github.com/moneormint/docker-monero 'GitHub repository' [gitwow]: https://git.wownero.com/asymptotically/docker-monero 'Wownero Git repository' [xmrig-gh]: https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig 'XMRig GitHub page' [xmrig-donations]: https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig#donations 'XMRig donation addresses'