#!/bin/env python3 import sys import time import json from jinja2 import Template import npyscreen # Help text in a box at the bottom of the screen class HelpBoxBase(npyscreen.BoxTitle): def splitlines(self): all_help = [] for fld, msg in self.help_msgs.items(): if fld[-1] != ":": fld += ":" message = [m.lstrip() for m in msg if m != ""] helpline = f"{fld:<28}{'. '.join(message)}" all_help.append(helpline) all_help.append("") return all_help def display_help_message(self, field): self.set_values( self.help_msgs.get(field, "No help availabe for {}".format(field)) ) self.clear() self.display() class P2PoolHelpBox(HelpBoxBase): help_msgs = { "Wallet Address:": [ "Your monero wallet address for receiving mining reqards", "", "Note: You have to use a primary wallet address for mining", " Subaddresses and integrated addresses are not supported!", ], "P2Pool Sidechain:": [ "Which P2Pool sidechain to mine on", " use main for faster miners", " use mini for slower miners", ], "Enable Server Statistics": [ "Provide access to your P2Pool server statictics via a web interface", ], "Statistics Port:": [ "Port number (or IP:Port) to expose web access to your P2Pool server", "statictics", ], "Expose Stratum Port": [ "Expose the P2Pool stratum port to your network so external miners", "can connect", "Note: You may choose to open this port in your hosts firewall and/or", " router to allow miners outside your network to connect", ], "Stratum Port:": [ "Port number (or IP:Port) to expose P2Pool stratum to your network to", "allow external miners to connect", "Note: You may choose to open this port in your hosts firewall and/or", " router to allow miners outside your network to connect", ], "P2Pool Log Level:": [ "Verbosity of the log; (Less) 0 - 6 (More)", ], "Enable Autodiff": [ "Use automatic difficulty adjustment for miners connected to stratum", ], "Enable Light Mode": [ "Don't allocate RandomX dataset, saves 2GB of RAM", ], "Disable Cache": [ "Disable p2pool.cache (not recommended)", ], "Additional P2Pool Options:": [ "Additional options to pass to p2pool commandline", "", "Note: Advanced - Only add options if you know what you are doing", " See ouput of 'p2pool --help' for available options", ], "Next": [ "Next configuration menu", ], "Save": [ "Save current configuration and exit", ], "Cancel": [ "Exit without saving", ], } class MoneroHelpBox(HelpBoxBase): help_msgs = { "Configure Monero Node": [ "Configure and run a Monero Node", "", "Note: You must either configure a local node or specify a public node", ], "Monero Version:": [ "Version of Monero to build; 'latest' for the most recent release", "", "Note: Must be v0.17.3.0 or later for p2pool support", " See: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/tags", ], "Prune Blockchain": [ "Prune the Monero node to limit the size of the blockchain on disk", ], "Monero Log Level:": [ "Verbosity of the log; (Less) 0 - 4 (More)", "", "Note: settings above 0 are very noisy", ], "Expose RPC Port": [ "Expose restricted RPC API port to your network so external services", "(wallets for example) can connect. Port 18083 (ZMQ-pub) will also be exposed.", "Note: You may choose to open this port in your hosts firewall and/or", " router to allow services outside your network to connect", ], "RPC Port:": [ "TCP port to listen on for RPC connections", ], "RPC Login:": [ "Specify username[:password] required to connect to the RPC API", ], "Limit Data Rates": [ "Set a limit value for incoming and outgoing data transfer", ], "Rate Limit Up:": [ "Set outgoing data transfer limit [kB/s]", ], "Rate Limit Down:": [ "Set incoming data transfer limit [kB/s]", ], "Sync Pruned Blocks": [ "Accept pruned blocks instead of pruning yourself to save", "network transfer", ], "Fast Block Sync": [ 'Sync up most of the way by using embedded, "known" (old) block', "hashes without calculating the block hash to verify the proof of work", "", "Note: Faster initial sync by trusting the monerod binary", ], "Public Node:": [ "Public Monero Node to Use", "", "Note: The public node must have both Monero RPC and zmq-pub ports", " available", ], "Node Login:": [ "Specify username[:password] required to connect to public monero", "node RPC API (if required)", ], "Additional monerod Options:": [ "Additional options to pass to monerod commandline", "", "Note: Advanced - Only add options if you know what you are doing", " See 'https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monerod-reference/'", ], "Prev": [ "Previous configuration menu", ], "Next": [ "Next configuration menu", ], "Save": [ "Save current configuration and exit", ], "Cancel": [ "Exit without saving", ], } class XMRigHelpBox(HelpBoxBase): help_msgs = { "Configure XMRig CPU Miner": [ "Configure and run an XMRig CPU Miner", "", "Note: You must either configure am XMRig CPU Miner or expose the", " P2Pool stratum port and connect an external miner, or both", ], "Username:": [ "Set a username for the miner", ], "Use Fixed Difficulty": [ "Used a fixed minig difficulty", "", "Note: Allows you to see XMRig submitting shares below P2Pool threshold", ], "Fixed Difficulty:": [ "Set a fixed mining difficulty", "", "Note: Allows you to see XMRig submitting shares below P2Pool threshold", ], "CPU Use %:": [ "Maximum CPU threads count (in percentage) hint for autoconfig", "Note: Applies to cores only. If you have HyperThreading enabled you", " should divide this value by 2 (use 0-50%). Reference:", " https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/issues/1670#issuecomment-644433778", ], "CPU Priority:": [ "Set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)", ], "Additional XMRig Options:": [ "Additional options to pass to xmrig", "", "Note: Advanced - Only add options if you know what you are doing", " See 'https://xmrig.com/docs/miner/command-line-options'", ], "Prev": [ "Previous configuration menu", ], "Save": [ "Save current configuration and exit", ], "Cancel": [ "Exit without saving", ], } ## # Custom (integer) values for title slider class IntegerSlider(npyscreen.Slider): def translate_value(self): from_val = int(str(self.value).split(".")[0]) out_of_val = int(str(self.out_of).split(".")[0]) if from_val >= 1000: from_val = str(from_val / 1000).split(".")[0] + "K" out_of_val = str(out_of_val / 1000).split(".")[0] + "K" return "{}/{}".format(from_val, out_of_val) class TitleIntegerSlider(npyscreen.TitleSlider): _entry_type = IntegerSlider ## # Patched updateDependents for FormControlCheckbox class PatchedFormControlCheckbox(npyscreen.FormControlCheckbox): def updateDependents(self): if self.value: for w in self._visibleWhenSelected: try: w.fc_visible except AttributeError: w.fc_visible = {} w.fc_visible[self.name] = True for w in self._notVisibleWhenSelected: try: w.fc_visible except AttributeError: w.fc_visible = {} w.fc_visible[self.name] = False else: for w in self._visibleWhenSelected: try: w.fc_visible except AttributeError: w.fc_visible = {} w.fc_visible[self.name] = False for w in self._notVisibleWhenSelected: try: w.fc_visible except AttributeError: w.fc_visible = {} w.fc_visible[self.name] = True for w in self._visibleWhenSelected + self._notVisibleWhenSelected: w.hidden = False in w.fc_visible.values() w.editable = not False in w.fc_visible.values() self.parent.display() def set_value(self, value): self.value = value self.display() def display(self): self.updateDependents() super() class PrevButton(npyscreen.Button): def whenToggled(self): self.value = False self.parent.prev_form() class NextButton(npyscreen.Button): def whenToggled(self): self.value = False self.parent.next_form() class SaveButton(npyscreen.Button): def whenToggled(self): self.find_parent_app().save_and_exit() class CancelButton(npyscreen.Button): def whenToggled(self): self.find_parent_app().cancel_and_exit() ## # Config Forms Base Class class ConfigFormBase(npyscreen.FormBaseNew): name_size = 20 indent = 5 current_config = None defaults = None ALLOW_RESIZE = False def while_editing(self, arg): self.help.display_help_message(arg.name) self.display() def get_default_config(self): # Return defaults if self.defaults is None: with open("defaults") as defaults_file: self.defaults = json.load(defaults_file) return self.defaults def get_current_config(self): # Return current config if self.current_config is None: # Read current config with open("/docker-compose/current_config") as current_config: self.current_config = json.load(current_config) return self.current_config def reset_defaults(self, arg): # Set config to default values ok = npyscreen.notify_ok_cancel( "Set current form values to defaults", title="Reset to Defaults" ) if not ok: return defaults = self.get_default_config() self.set_config(defaults) ## # P2Pool Configuration Form class P2PoolConfigForm(ConfigFormBase): def create(self): # Add Hot-Key Controls self.add_handlers({"^D": self.reset_defaults}) # Add P2Pool Configuration self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="## P2Pool Configuration", editable=False, begin_entry_at=50, ) self.wallet_address = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Wallet Address:", value="", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.sidechain = self.add( npyscreen.TitleSelectOne, name="P2Pool Sidechain:", values=["main", "mini"], scroll_exit=True, max_height=2, value=[ 0, ], begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.enable_statistics = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Enable Server Statistics", value=True, begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.statistics_port = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Statistics Port:", value="3334", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.enable_statistics.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.statistics_port) self.nextrely += 1 self.expose_stratum_port = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Expose Stratum Port", value=True, begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.stratum_port = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Stratum Port:", value="3333", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.expose_stratum_port.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.stratum_port) self.nextrely += 1 self.p2pool_log_level = self.add( TitleIntegerSlider, name="P2Pool Log Level:", out_of=6, value=3, lowest=0, step=1, width=43, begin_entry_at=20, label=True, block_color=None, relx=self.indent, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.autodiff = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Enable Autodiff", value=True, begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.light_mode = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Enable Light Mode", value=False, begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.no_cache = self.add( npyscreen.Checkbox, name="Disable Cache", value=False, begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.p2pool_extra = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Additional P2Pool Options:", value="", begin_entry_at=self.name_size + 10, relx=self.indent, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.nextrely += 1 # Add "Next", "Save", and "Cancel" buttons self.next_button = self.add(NextButton, name="Next", relx=1) self.nextrely -= 1 self.save_button = self.add(SaveButton, name="Save", relx=8) self.nextrely -= 1 self.cancel_button = self.add(CancelButton, name="Cancel", relx=15) self.nextrely += 1 # Add Help Box self.help = self.add( P2PoolHelpBox, name="Commands: ^D: Load Defaults - ^C: Exit Without Saving", values=[""], editable=False, ) # Start with current config self.set_config(self.get_current_config()) def next_form(self): self.find_parent_app().switchForm("MONERO") def set_config(self, config): self.wallet_address.set_value(config["wallet_address"]) self.sidechain.set_value(config["sidechain"]) self.enable_statistics.set_value(config["enable_statistics"]) self.statistics_port.set_value(config["statistics_port"]) self.expose_stratum_port.set_value(config["expose_stratum_port"]) self.stratum_port.set_value(config["stratum_port"]) self.p2pool_log_level.set_value(config["p2pool_log_level"]) self.autodiff.set_value(config["enable_autodiff"]) self.light_mode.set_value(config["light_mode"]) self.no_cache.value = config["no_cache"] self.p2pool_extra.set_value(config["p2pool_options"]) self.DISPLAY() def get_config(self): config = { "wallet_address": self.wallet_address.value, "sidechain": self.sidechain.value, "enable_statistics": self.enable_statistics.value, "statistics_port": self.statistics_port.value, "expose_stratum_port": self.expose_stratum_port.value, "stratum_port": self.stratum_port.value, "p2pool_log_level": self.p2pool_log_level.value, "enable_autodiff": self.autodiff.value, "light_mode": self.light_mode.value, "no_cache": self.no_cache.value, "p2pool_options": self.p2pool_extra.value, } return config ## # Monero Configuration Form class MoneroConfigForm(ConfigFormBase): def create(self): # Add Hot-Key Controls self.add_handlers({"^D": self.reset_defaults}) # Add Monero Configuration self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="## Monero Node Configuration", editable=False, begin_entry_at=50, ) self.configure_monero_node = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Configure Monero Node", value=True, relx=self.indent, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.monero_git_tag = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Monero Version:", value="latest", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.monero_git_tag) self.prune_node = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Prune Blockchain", value=True, begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.prune_node) self.monero_log_level = self.add( TitleIntegerSlider, name="Monero Log Level:", out_of=4, value=0, lowest=0, step=1, width=43, begin_entry_at=20, label=True, block_color=None, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.monero_log_level) self.nextrely += 1 self.expose_rpc_port = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Expose RPC Port", value=False, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.expose_rpc_port) self.rpc_port = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="RPC Port:", value="18081", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.rpc_port) self.expose_rpc_port.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.rpc_port) self.rpc_login = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="RPC Login:", value="", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.expose_rpc_port.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.rpc_login) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.rpc_login) self.nextrely += 1 self.limit_data_rates = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Limit Data Rates", value=False, begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.limit_data_rates) self.rate_limit_up = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Rate Limit Up:", value="2048", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.limit_data_rates.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.rate_limit_up) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.rate_limit_up) self.rate_limit_down = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Rate Limit Down:", value="8192", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.limit_data_rates.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.rate_limit_down) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.rate_limit_down) self.nextrely += 1 self.sync_pruned_blocks = self.add( npyscreen.Checkbox, name="Sync Pruned Blocks", value=False, begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.sync_pruned_blocks) self.prune_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.sync_pruned_blocks) self.fast_sync = self.add( npyscreen.Checkbox, name="Fast Block Sync", value=True, begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.fast_sync) self.nextrely += 1 self.public_node = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Public Node:", value="", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addInvisibleWhenSelected(self.public_node) self.node_login = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Node Login:", value="", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addInvisibleWhenSelected(self.node_login) self.nextrely += 1 self.monero_extra = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Additional monerod Options:", value="", begin_entry_at=self.name_size + 10, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_monero_node.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.monero_extra) self.nextrely += 1 self.nextrely += 1 # Add "Prev", "Next", "Save", and "Cancel" buttons self.prev_button = self.add(PrevButton, name="Prev", relx=1) self.nextrely -= 1 self.next_button = self.add(NextButton, name="Next", relx=8) self.nextrely -= 1 self.save_button = self.add(SaveButton, name="Save", relx=15) self.nextrely -= 1 self.cancel_button = self.add(CancelButton, name="Cancel", relx=22) self.nextrely += 1 # Add Help Box self.help = self.add( MoneroHelpBox, name="Commands: ^D: Load Defaults - ^C: Exit Without Saving", values=[""], editable=False, ) # Start with current config self.set_config(self.get_current_config()) def prev_form(self): self.find_parent_app().switchForm("MAIN") def next_form(self): self.find_parent_app().switchForm("XMRIG") def set_config(self, config): self.configure_monero_node.set_value(config["configure_monero"]) self.monero_git_tag.set_value(config["monero_version"]) self.prune_node.value = config["prune_blockchain"] self.monero_log_level.set_value(config["monero_log_level"]) self.expose_rpc_port.set_value(config["expose_rpc_port"]) self.rpc_port.set_value(config["rpc_port"]) self.rpc_login.set_value(config["rpc_login"]) self.limit_data_rates.set_value(config["limit_data_rates"]) self.rate_limit_up.set_value(config["rate_limit_up"]) self.rate_limit_down.set_value(config["rate_limit_down"]) self.sync_pruned_blocks.value = config["sync_pruned_blocks"] self.fast_sync.value = config["fast_sync"] self.monero_extra.set_value(config["monero_options"]) self.public_node.set_value(config["public_monero_node"]) self.node_login.set_value(config["monero_node_login"]) self.DISPLAY() def get_config(self): config = { "configure_monero": self.configure_monero_node.value, "monero_version": self.monero_git_tag.value, "prune_blockchain": self.prune_node.value, "monero_log_level": self.monero_log_level.value, "expose_rpc_port": self.expose_rpc_port.value, "rpc_port": self.rpc_port.value, "rpc_login": self.rpc_login.value, "limit_data_rates": self.limit_data_rates.value, "rate_limit_up": self.rate_limit_up.value, "rate_limit_down": self.rate_limit_down.value, "sync_pruned_blocks": self.sync_pruned_blocks.value, "fast_sync": self.fast_sync.value, "monero_options": self.monero_extra.value, "public_monero_node": self.public_node.value, "monero_node_login": self.node_login.value, } return config ## # XMRig Configuration Form class XMRigConfigForm(ConfigFormBase): def create(self): # Add Hot-Key Controls self.add_handlers({"^D": self.reset_defaults}) # Hidden caryover from P2Pool form self.autodiff = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Enable Autodiff", value=True, begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.autodiff.hide = True self.autodiff.editable = False self.nextrely -= 1 # Add XMRig Configuration self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="## XMRig Miner Configuration", editable=False, begin_entry_at=50, ) self.configure_xmrig_miner = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Configure XMRig CPU Miner", value=True, relx=self.indent, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.username = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Username:", value="", begin_entry_at=self.name_size, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_xmrig_miner.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.username) self.nextrely += 1 self.use_fixed_difficulty = self.add( PatchedFormControlCheckbox, name="Use Fixed Difficulty", value=True, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_xmrig_miner.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.use_fixed_difficulty) self.autodiff.addInvisibleWhenSelected(self.use_fixed_difficulty) self.fixed_difficulty = self.add( TitleIntegerSlider, name="Fixed Difficulty:", out_of=2000000, value=500000, lowest=50000, step=50000, width=51, begin_entry_at=20, label=True, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_xmrig_miner.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.fixed_difficulty) self.use_fixed_difficulty.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.fixed_difficulty) self.autodiff.addInvisibleWhenSelected(self.fixed_difficulty) self.nextrely += 1 self.cpu_threads = self.add( TitleIntegerSlider, name="CPU Use %:", out_of=100, value=100, lowest=1, step=10, width=48, begin_entry_at=20, label=True, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_xmrig_miner.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.cpu_threads) self.nextrely += 1 self.cpu_priority = self.add( TitleIntegerSlider, name="CPU Priority:", out_of=5, value=2, lowest=0, step=1, width=48, begin_entry_at=20, label=True, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_xmrig_miner.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.cpu_priority) self.nextrely += 1 self.xmrig_extra = self.add( npyscreen.TitleText, name="Additional XMRig Options:", value="", begin_entry_at=self.name_size + 10, relx=self.indent, ) self.configure_xmrig_miner.addVisibleWhenSelected(self.xmrig_extra) self.nextrely += 1 self.nextrely += 1 # Add "Prev", "Save", and "Cancel" buttons self.prev_button = self.add(PrevButton, name="Prev", relx=1) self.nextrely -= 1 self.save_button = self.add(SaveButton, name="Save", relx=8) self.nextrely -= 1 self.cancel_button = self.add(CancelButton, name="Cancel", relx=15) self.nextrely += 1 # Add Help Box self.help = self.add( XMRigHelpBox, name="Commands: ^D: Load Defaults - ^C: Exit Without Saving", values=[""], editable=False, ) # Start with current config self.set_config(self.get_current_config()) def prev_form(self): self.find_parent_app().switchForm("MONERO") def next_form(self): self.find_parent_app().switchForm(None) def beforeEditing(self): # Cary autodiff value from P2Pool config form enable_autodiff = self.find_parent_app().get_p2pool_config()["enable_autodiff"] self.autodiff.set_value(enable_autodiff) def set_config(self, config): self.configure_xmrig_miner.set_value(config["configure_xmrig"]) self.username.set_value(config["xmrig_username"]) self.use_fixed_difficulty.set_value(config["use_fixed_difficulty"]) self.fixed_difficulty.set_value(config["fixed_difficulty"]) self.cpu_threads.set_value(config["cpu_percent"]) self.cpu_priority.set_value(config["cpu_priority"]) self.xmrig_extra.set_value(config["xmrig_options"]) self.DISPLAY() def get_config(self): config = { "configure_xmrig": self.configure_xmrig_miner.value, "xmrig_username": self.username.value, "use_fixed_difficulty": self.use_fixed_difficulty.value, "fixed_difficulty": self.fixed_difficulty.value, "cpu_percent": self.cpu_threads.value, "cpu_priority": self.cpu_priority.value, "xmrig_options": self.xmrig_extra.value, } return config ## # Our P2Pool configuration App class ConfigApp(npyscreen.NPSAppManaged): current_config = None defaults = None def onStart(self): self.p2pool_form = self.addForm( "MAIN", P2PoolConfigForm, name="P2Pool for docker-compose: P2Pool Configuration", minimum_lines=35, minimum_columns=80, ) self.monero_form = self.addForm( "MONERO", MoneroConfigForm, name="P2Pool for docker-compose: Monero Configuration", minimum_lines=35, minimum_columns=80, ) self.xmrig_form = self.addForm( "XMRIG", XMRigConfigForm, name="P2Pool for docker-compose: XMRig Configuration", minimum_lines=35, minimum_columns=80, ) def get_p2pool_config(self): return self.p2pool_form.get_config() def get_config(self): p2pool_config = self.p2pool_form.get_config() monero_config = self.monero_form.get_config() xmrig_config = self.xmrig_form.get_config() return p2pool_config | monero_config | xmrig_config def save_and_exit(self): # Get config from all forms config = self.get_config() # Save "current config" values file with open("current_config.jinja2", "r") as current_config: template = current_config.read() rendered = Template(template).render(config) with open("/docker-compose/current_config", "w") as current_config: current_config.write(rendered) # Render and save docker-compose file with open("docker-compose.jinja2", "r") as compose_file: template = compose_file.read() rendered = Template(template).render(config, trim_blocks=True) with open("/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml", "w") as compose_file: compose_file.write(rendered) npyscreen.notify("Saved current settings", title="Saved") self.switchForm(None) self.saved = True def cancel_and_exit(self): self.switchForm(None) self.saved = False ## if __name__ == "__main__": try: time.sleep(1) # Give docker a second to initialize the terminal App = ConfigApp() App.run() print("\n\n") if App.saved: print("Configuration Saved") else: print("Configuration Aborted") sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Configuration Aborted") sys.exit(1)