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var drawChart
(() => {
const difficulty_window = 69;
const target = 10;
// possible diff algos: LWMA, Cryptonote, MA, EMA
const diffAlgo = "Cryptonote"
const CryptonoteCut = 0; // 12
document.getElementById("title").innerText = `Diff algo: ${diffAlgo} - window: ${difficulty_window} ${(diffAlgo === "Cryptonote" ? "cut: "+CryptonoteCut : "")}`
let blocks = []
let hashrates = []
let difficulty = 10;
let time = 0;
function mineBlock(hashrate) {
time = 0;
while (true) {
if (hashrate / difficulty > Math.random()) {
t: time,
d: difficulty,
for (let x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
for (let i = 0; i < 350; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < 350; i++) {
function calculateDifficulty() {
if (blocks.length < 2) return;
const bScan = Math.min(difficulty_window, blocks.length - 1)
let blocksToScan = blocks.slice(blocks.length - bScan - 1, blocks.length - 1)
let avgTime = 0;
let avgDiff = 0;
if (diffAlgo === "LWMA") {
let totalWeights = 0;
for (i in blocksToScan) {
let curW = bScan - (bScan - i) + 1 // i+1
//console.log("curW", curW)
totalWeights += curW
avgTime += blocksToScan[i].t * curW
avgDiff += blocksToScan[i].d * curW
avgTime /= totalWeights
avgDiff /= totalWeights // bScan
} else if (diffAlgo === "EMA") {
let totalWeights = 0;
for (i in blocksToScan) {
let curW = (bScan - (bScan - i) + 1) ** 2 // i+1
//console.log("curW", curW)
totalWeights += curW
avgTime += blocksToScan[i].t * curW
avgDiff += blocksToScan[i].d * curW
avgTime /= totalWeights
avgDiff /= totalWeights // bScan
} else if (diffAlgo === "MA") {
for (i in blocksToScan) {
avgTime += blocksToScan[i].t
avgDiff += blocksToScan[i].d
avgTime /= bScan
avgDiff /= bScan // bScan
} else if (diffAlgo === "Cryptonote") {
let cut = Math.max(Math.min(CryptonoteCut, Math.floor(bScan / 2) - 2), 0)
if (bScan < difficulty_window) {
cut = 0;
if (cut >= bScan) {
throw new Error("invalid cut " + CryptonoteCut + " with window of " + bScan)
let blTimes = []
for (i of blocksToScan) {
avgDiff += i.d
blTimes = blTimes.slice(cut, blTimes.length - cut)
for (i of blTimes) {
avgTime += i
avgTime /= (bScan - cut)
avgDiff /= bScan // bScan
diffMultiplier = Math.min(Math.max(target / avgTime, 0.1), 10)
//console.log("avgTime: " + avgTime + " avgDiff: " + avgDiff + " multiplier: " + diffMultiplier)
difficulty = Math.ceil(avgDiff * diffMultiplier) // Math.round(avgDiff * diffMultiplier)
let blockDiffs = []
let blockTimes = []
let blockHeights = []
lastBlockTime = target;
let deviation = 0;
let diffDeviation = 0;
for (i in blocks) {
const blockTime = (blocks[i].t + lastBlockTime * 30) / 31
const perfectDiff = hashrates[i] * target
console.log("perfectDiff:", perfectDiff)
diffDeviation += Math.sqrt(Math.abs(perfectDiff - blocks[i].d))
deviation += Math.sqrt(Math.abs(blocks[i].t - blockTime))
lastBlockTime = blockTime
deviation /= blocks.length
diffDeviation /= blocks.length
const ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
const stats = document.getElementById("stats");
stats.innerText = `block time st.devt: ${(deviation / target * 100).toFixed(2)}% - difficulty st.devt. from perfect value: ${diffDeviation.toFixed(2)}`
drawChart = () => {
new Chart(ctx, {
type: "line",
data: {
labels: blockHeights,
datasets: [{
label: "Mean Block Time",
data: blockTimes,
borderWidth: 1,
label: "Difficulty",
data: blockDiffs,
yAxisID: "y1",
borderWidth: 1
}, {
label: "Hashrate",
data: hashrates,
yAxisID: "y2",
borderWidth: 1
options: {
// tension: 0.5,
elements: {
point: {
radius: 0,
hoverRadius: 3
line: {
width: 1
scales: {
y: {
type: "linear", // logarithmic
display: true,
position: "left",
max: 20,
min: 0
y1: {
type: "linear",
display: true,
position: "right",
min: 0,
max: 200,
// grid line settings
grid: {
drawOnChartArea: false, // only want the grid lines for one axis to show up
y2: {
type: "linear",
display: false,
min: 0